Chapter 56 - Kinda Sad (1/2)
(3rd person's POV)
”We get it... Eren was an abnormal titan, and you win again him. There's no need to say anymore.”
”That's right. Aren't I amazing.”
Inside a dimly lit room with just 10 chairs and a large table, 15 people were present.
It included all the cadets involved with Eren's titan, Erwin, Levi, and the rest were simply taking notes of the conversation.
As for the two people that were speaking earlier, they were Athanatos and Erwin.
To be honest, Erwin isn't very used to people talking like this. Most of the people he usually interacted with are either his superiors or subordinates, with neither speaking in such a casual tone, of course, there are a few exceptions.
But even then, when you're trying to be serious and have a proper conversation with someone, having the other party either ignoring you or boasting his words, is not very pleasant to talk with.
”Alright... so the next witness. Armin Alert, if you would please come forward.”
”Yes, sir!”
”I haven't finished yet. How about I tell you about how I defeat Eren? It would benefit you guys to learn my ability.”
”...” Erwin was speechless...
Unable to stand his newly found nephew anymore, Levi finally intervened, ”Shut up. You're have been rambling this and that for 2 fking hours already. It's time to stop.”
That's right... Athanatos has been spouting gibberish for 2 hours already. At first, they could endure it since the story was quite entertaining. But for god sake... no one could stay sane after hearing a little kid using dozens of adjectives to describe his little epic journey, especially if he repeated the story for 3 times straight.
”Did I tell you how I tied the blade to the anchor?”
”... you have repeated that 3 times already...”
”I see... How about I tell you how I know Eren is located in the heart instead of the nape?”
Luckily, Historia was there. Unlike her two best friends, who don't really care about what her boyfriend does, Historia wanted the world to know that her boyfriend is the most amazing person.
”Thana-kun~ Since we're in the city now, how about we go get some food? It might be a bit far, but we can also go visit Mikan, Karl, and uncle Alfred.”
”...” Hearing what Historia suggested, Athanatos' face blanked for a second, before saying, ”Historia... you're a genius.”
While Historia was speaking with Athanatos through words, she was also actually using telepathy to tell him.
[If you're speaking too much, it might be a bit boring. It's better to leave in a cool way so they can see you in a better light.]
So that's what he did. He followed Historia's advice, and then he turned his Sage mode to on. His face became stoic and his eyes became sharper and wiser, as if he had lived for millions of years.
In a solemn voice, he said, ”*Sigh* I pity the world for its ignorance. Believing it is bliss, they heed not of the wiser's wisdom. *Sigh* I pity the young for their recklessness. Believing it is courage, they know naught of the bigger world... But alas, youngsters these days... *sigh*, why can't they just accept their shortcomings and improve? Farewell young 'uns, until fate let us cross path once again.”
””...”” Everyone was speechless. All they could think of in their head was, 'WTF??'
One second he was speaking like a 5 years old babbling about his achievements, the next second... he changed his personality and began to speak like a wise old man.
Meanwhile, Historia was facepalming in a corner. It's not that she didn't expect him to do something like this, but she totally didn't expect his Sage mode to turn on at a time like this. She thought he would just speak a few nice words before walking out in a cool fashion but instead, this happened.
”Alright, let's go. See you guys later.” Then together with Mikasa, Annie, and Historia, Athanatos walked out the door with his arms behind his back.
”Thank goodness he's gone.” Someone in the background said and everyone agreed with his statement.
Athanatos was back.
”Erwin, at least give me a squad captain position later. Alright? See ya later!”
Familiar with his antics, Armin coughed dryly.
”He's... uh... a bit special...”
”Yeah, no shit...” Levi replied coldly. These last few days were quite tough on him. Who knows he actually found 2 nephews just by taking a trip here, although one of them was adopted. Still, that doesn't change the fact that his little nephew is a bit too special.
Suddenly a voice rang out a couple of rooms away, ”Armin! I'm not a bit special! Say it right! I'm more than just a bit! I'm a lot!”
””...”” Silence descended into the room once again, this time, the atmosphere was a bit more uncomfortable than before...
”Ahem... He's a lot more special than he appeared...”
(Somewhere in Trost District)
On a street filled with people happily minding their business, a party of four was walking toward the destination.
If someone three years ago were told how developed this city is now, they would have just laugh as if it was the biggest joke.
But the reality was so.
Over the course of 3 years, everything changed. Unemployment, one of the biggest issues long ago, was now nowhere to be seen. With more money, people could enjoy a much luxurious life and would no longer be suffering from hunger. Houses were renovated. Run-down streets were replaced. Buildings were built bigger. It won't even be an overstatement to say that this city was way more developed than the marvelous capital in Wall Sheena!
Nothing was the same.
The atmosphere was much more cheerful than before.
But something won't change no matter how much civilization advanced.
Out of a small dark valley, a group of baldies slowly walked out.
They could now only do small and petty crimes like robbing or scamming unless they want to get arrested for doing something bigger.
But for today, the security was low for some reason, perfect for committing crimes. And luckily, in front of their eyes were the perfect victims—a group of seemingly harmless cadets.
With a savage grin on their face, they approached the group, obviously with no good intentions.
”Hey sweeties, why don't you join us for the night?” (Mob 1)