Chapter 2 - Meeting (1) (1/2)
A man with blond hair was sitting down with a slight frown on his face, ”The sky has been gloomy these past few days. Couldn't go off too far in the forest today, those animals are going berserk or something. Hopefully, it's not an epidemic...” He said while staring out of the sky with his golden eyes.
”Yes, honey. How much food do we have left,” A middle-aged woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties replied. Her face seemed a bit wrinkled but even that cannot hide the beauty that she possessed.
The man sighed and faced his wife, ”Not much, at most 2 days with thos-”
BAM!!! The door opened violently.
”MOM! DAD! There's a kid out there in the forest! He fell from the sky!” A young girl with an appearance similar to her mom cried out with a hint of anxiousness.
”Huh? What do you mean?” The man furrowed his brows even further.
”There's a kid! I saw him falling from the sky and made a big crater!”
”Mikasa. You're not telling lies are y-” The woman said but was interrupted immeadiately
”NO! I SWEAR!” Mikasa said while pouted.
The blond hair got his hunting rifle ready and said, ”C'mon, let's check it out before it rains.”