1 The Beginning (1/2)
[in the darkness at an unknown place ]
”Hm? where is this?...Aahh~i see, so I am dead” said the MC as if it was the most natural thing in the world, but what do you expect from the world mostfeared and legendary Assassin.
when he was talking to himself light filled the place,and a man descended ” I was waiting for you”
the MC looked at the man with sock and said ” who are you?”
”I am someone who Owes you a debt”
”debt??but I never met you”
”yes you didn't but you met my daughter” said the man as extended his hand that glowed with light, the light shot at the MC's head making him remember the girl that he saved once from a bunch of rapists.
the girl later after he saved talked with as she was a talkative person, she kept talking about Ber self and told him how cool he was ” Uncle you looked just like an anime character back there” that what she said to him, she even told him that he should watch some anime in his free time.
The MC didn't want to watch any if that but he had some free time which was a rare thing for him.
he living in an endless cycle of killing, but after that he discovered a new type of joy...in fact the FIRST type of joy, and that was watching anime
in the rest of his life only one thing was keeping his mind safe it was ”Anime&Manga” like everyone he watched 1 episode and then started to demand for more.
it was something as if he was missing it all this time...he later on discovered that all teenagers and kids watch it, then he understood that it was his childhood, anime and manga was part of every kid in the world's childhood, The MC was very happy, he was very picky when it comes to watching.
his favorite is AOT because it showed how cruel can the world be in another way, it was very similar to this world. it maybe childish to say but he actually fell in love with the two characters of Mikasa and Annie...Annie was just like him trained and exposed to the world cruelty at a young age, and Mikasa because she lost everyone dear to her at young age...but what he loved more is their strong will to live on against the world cruelty.
after remembering that he looked at man again and said ” so the girl is your daughter huh?”
”yes, after saving her she requested from me to send you to an anime world to live in it” said the man
” so can I choose the world??” asked the MC hoping to live in comfortable world like SAO or Some slice of life anime
”No...she already decided for you”
”what!!!...what did she decided??” asked The MC as he was praying that she at least chosen a good world
but all of his prayer was for nothing as the man said ” Attack On Titan World... ” said the man sending shock and terror into the soul of the legendary Assassin for the first time in his life. he does love AOT but it was a nightmare to live in that world with all those man-eating Titans