Chapter 172 - Dont Ask Me If I Love You 5: This Love Thats Miserable (1/2)
”So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?” Peter asked casually thirty minutes and three pancakes after.
”What's wrong? Nothing,” Anjee answered innocently and he frowned.
Earlier he had been sure she looked troubled. Looking at her now however made him doubt what he'd seen earlier. She was relaxed and was eating her pancake happily which made him uncomfortable.
Since he thought she had a problem, he had been watching her face more closely than usual, and so he had seen how her tongue flicked out of those rosy lips when some syrup dripped on her chin or how the fork came in and out of her mouth as she ate her pancake.
Peter knew he shouldn't treat eating pancake as something ėrȯtɨċ but that was just what he was thinking. Damn, but he'd never seen any other person eat pancakes as sėxily as she did. The head in his nether region quite agreed too as it began to stand up and really pay attention.
Growing more uncomfortable with his hard-on, Peter shifted on his seat and turned his eyes away from her.
”So, there's really nothing wrong?” he croaked as he crossed his leg over the other to hide his erection. It would be weird if she noticed— not to mention that it was embarrassing.
”Nope,” she answered as she ate the last piece of her pancake. ”Actually, something good happened,” she announced and his brow arched in curiosity, his almond eyes focusing once more on her face as he waited for the other to complete her story.
”Well,” she began. ”It looks like my dream is coming true— at least part of it.”
The real reason why she came to Peter's place so early in the morning wasn't only to make him pancakes but also to tell him important news. The song she had written some months ago, the one which she had submitted to a recording company with Peter's encouragement was accepted for recording.
”Oracle Music said they like my song and someone from that company asked if he could meet with me,” Anjee said breathlessly and her doe eyes watched as Peter's face turned from curious to that of amazement.
”But that's just good!” the writer exclaimed as he smiled, his eyes crinkled at the corners.
He tried to reach for her hand again, but again she evaded his touch, making his smile fade. With a frown on his face, his lips pursed stubbornly, Peter tried to get Anjee's hands again, this time more obviously, but she suddenly stood up before he did.
”Are you avoiding me?” he couldn't help but ask.
”Avoid you?” she countered innocently, but her was voice a little shaky than normal. ”Of course not! Why would I avoid you?” she continued as she tried to turn around and leave for the kitchen but Peter's fingers bit into her arm and turned her around.
”I don't know. You tell me,” he answered as his eyes bored into her eyes and she turned away.