Chapter 166 - Not Man Enough (1/2)
”Good evening!”
The Lee couple recovered fast enough to return the greeting. They were still visibly flustered— well, at least, Yanee's mother was. Her father was an expert and only his kids could tell the difference.
”I'm so sorry to barge in unannounced. If I knew you're busy I wouldn't come,”Tohru apologized and her parents quickly shook their heads.
”It's alright. It's us who suddenly dropped by. We heard Yanee's working at home so it's only normal for the boss to come and check,”Mrs. Lee said with a smile and Yanee covered her mouth to stifle her laugh.
She wondered if her parents realized they just indirectly told the guy to go ahead and come unannounced whenever you want. But she didn't have enough time to ponder as she knew she had to do or say something and she cleared her throat to get their attention.
”Er… Mom, Dad, this is—”
”We know who he is! He's the boss,” Mr. Lee suddenly interrupted as he stepped forward to shake the guy's hand. ”Mr. Tohru James, Ms. Anjee Choi,” he greeted the two.
Yanee was dumbfounded while the others' lips twitched in amusement at her predicament. She tried explaining again though but to no avail.
”Actually I—”
”What are you still doing here, kid? Take Ms. Anjee with you and do your work. We'll keep your boss company,” Mr. Lee interrupted her again and Yanee was rendered speechless while the others finally laughed.
”Yes, Ms. Lee, take Anjee with you,” the laughing potato told her with his eyes dancing in amusement.
Yanee reckoned he knew that she was trying to introduce him to her parents but her mom and dad were both high strung it was impossible at the moment. Anjee, taking pity on her smilingly went to her and took her hand. She had no choice but to take her to the room she's using as her office now.
”I'm so sorry. My parents decided to be weird today,” she murmured to Anjee as they went to her office.
”It's fine. It's fine,”Anjee quickly ȧssured her before giggling. ”Let the little brother handle your parents.”
”Will they be alright? I mean I tried introducing him to them properly,”Yanee said woefully and Anjee patted her arm.
”It's going to be fine. It's actually better this way,” she said and when Yanee looked at her with uncertainty, she explained. ”Imagine this: If you told her he's your boyfriend we won't be able to do any semblance of interview. Instead you and Tohru will be interviewed by your parents.”
Well, this made sense, Yanee agreed with a nod.
”Besides,”Anjee added with another giggle as the door to the room closed. ”This is the little brother's chance to kiss ȧss.”
Yanee blinked several times and Anjee, as if she had been waiting to have more privacy finally threw her head back and laughed.
Outside, Anjee's laughter was heard and the elderly couple wondered what was going on. Chummy and Tohru who now sat on the sofa, of course, knew what was going on.
”Don't mind them auntie. Yanee must have told her a big joke,” Chummy told the couple who looked confused.
”Yanee tells jokes?”