Chapter 160 - Who I Really Am... (1/2)

Office Diaries schreient 36600K 2022-07-25

”It's not really about Jena's life per se,”Tohru answered. ”It's more about keeping secrets…”

His eyes that seemed to always been laughing or smiling were now serious that Yanee couldn't decide how to react to his words. In her heart, there was a bit of apprehension and her insecurities that had been sleeping for a while since she accepted Tohru to be her lover resurfaced and she felt cold.

Secrets? What secrets could he still be keeping from her? She already met his family. She already knew who he was. What else could there be? Unless…

Remembering that Jena's story's life lesson was for him, she felt bad.

”Are… Are you hiding a love child somewhere?” she asked and Tohru was stumped.

”A what?” he asked back, unsure that he heard her correctly.

”Are you hiding a love child somewhere?” she repeated, this time, more severely that he choked.

”Of course, not!” He looked more than incredulous this time. ”Why did you ask that suddenly? Do I look like a dad— ah, no that's not the point! Do I look like someone so irresponsible to you?”

It was one thing to ɨmprėġnȧtė someone out of marriage. It's another to hide it from the world. Yanee couldn't imagine Tohru who was totally close with his family to be like that and shook her head.

Tohru seemed relieved at first and let out a sigh but then pouted, looking totally aggrieved.

”Why did you ask that suddenly then?”

Yanee smiled sheepishly. ”It's because I can't think of any similarity between you and Jena's life except… Well, that maybe you have…”

Yanee twisted her fingers on her ŀȧp and Tohru reached out and flicked her forehead with his fingers.

”Punishment for thinking silly thoughts,” he told her and they both smiled. ”Any other silly thought?”

Yanee pouted and arched her brow at him. ”You don't have a secret child so how about being a closet gay?” she teased and Tohru's eyes glinted, the smile on his lips stretched into a mischievous slant that made Yanee regret asking that one.

”Oh? Does my honey doubt my masculinity?” His eyes glanced to where Yanee's room was before continuing to speak in a low tone. ”We can take a quick trip to your room to check and prove that theory wrong, you know,” he invited huskily and Yanee fought heart not to have blood spurting from her nose.

”I was just kidding, you know,” she deadpanned which was an utter feat considering her mental state was almost in chaos over his sultry invite.

”Tsk! Damn, it's a joke.” Tohru looked disappointed which made Yanee look scandalized.

The potato was serious?

”So what about the secret you're talking about?”Yanee asked, changing the subject, but the other was not yet ready to let go.

Tohru looked at her hopefully with that sėxy smile of his. ”You really don't want to check if I'm gay or not?” he asked and Yanee kicked him.

”I don't. If you were, Ami would have told me as soon as she laid her eyes on you,” she said confidently, making the other frown.

”Ami would?” he asked doubtfully.

Yanee grinned then. ”Aside from being a dragon lady, my sister is equipped with a very strong gaydar that could quickly identify rainbows and buŧŧerflies. Well, aside from that, she could basically almost read your mind so she knows how to deal with people easily.”

”She does?”Tohru looked amazed. ”Sister-in-law is scary.”

Yanee shrugged. ”She'd be a bad businesswoman if not.”

Tohru seemed to think about it and then nodded. It seemed he'd heard about Ami Lee's quirks form somewhere else before. He sure was glad she somewhat gave him the seal of approval, letting him stay alone with her sister in their apartment.

”So, what were you going to tell me?”Yanee prompted, returning the conversation back to the topic.