Chapter 144 - Someone Like You 1: The Nerd & the Superstar (1/2)
It was early in the evening and I just finished my work for the day. The steady whirring of the air-conditioning system reverberating throughout the whole room was drowned out by my own humming, as I leaned back on my seat.
The tiring day's finally over as I half-closed my eyes, only to open them again, and the hustling and bustling sound of the busy street fifteen stories below reached my ears. I lifted myself up from the chair and trudged towards the window, my palms spread against the glass, my nostalgic doe eyes peering outside, and my humming turned into a soft song as I reminisced.
I loved Broadway music.
”I peer through windows, watch life go by
Dream of tomorrow and wonder why…”
The song was the first stanza to one of the songs in my favorite Broadway musical Jekyll and Hyde. I didn't know why, but, lately, I always found myself spacing out and singing this song. It was as if it's the theme song of my life.
Or the past— the one that I couldn't seem to forget.
Someone like you…
This was the title of the song— and the very words that person said when he spurned my feelings. Yes, this was related to that someone back in time who didn't accept my love because he couldn't believe that I could love.
”How could someone like you, love someone like me?”
My eyes became murky with memories as a boy from long ago's pained, husky voice echoed in my mind. His words dripped with insecurities carved deep within his heart. Even though I was sincere, he did not believe me. I couldn't blame him though. It wasn't like I did something to make him give his faith. I was more of a coward than him – me, who had been scared to step out and fight for that love.
”The past is holding me, keeping life away
I wandered lost in yesterday
Wanting to fly, but scared to try…”
But that was a long time ago. So much has happened ever since, and that boy I gave my heart to only belonged in my memories now. Though my youthful adoration had toned down to a bittersweet reminiscence, I've always wondered how he's doing…
A soft, yet, stern voice penetrated my thoughts, and startled, I turned around to look at my unexpected visitor.
A man stood across the room, blocking the doorway with his over the six-foot frame of tanned skin over pure muscle. His electrifying stance made me painfully aware of my delicate-looking self, opposite to his, with my pale translucent complexion and skinny frame. The only redeeming quality I had that I could think of was my pair of huge doe eyes I got from my mother – but I didn't think that's counted as I had them covered by thick-framed glasses.
Yes, I was nerdy. I preferred it this way. I didn't want the world to see the ”me” who couldn't even look at herself – not since that day.
”What are you doing looking like a guarded kitten?”
The man laughed, his almond eyes twinkling as he crossed the room to slump on one of the chairs in front of my desk, and I hastily adjusted my glasses over the bridge of my nose before I walked back towards my seat and sat there.
”How may I help you?” I asked carefully, ignoring his last remark, acting as if I didn't hear anything.
I couldn't understand why, but this man could upset me without so much effort, despite me, having a reputation of being calm and not easily ruffled.
This however made the other more amused. I realized too late as his pair of almond orbs only brightened in amusement, his lips twitching in suppressed mirth.
”Whatever happened to 'Hello there JT, baby, nice to see you looking so handsome for me again today. Where are you taking me out for our date this time?' Aren't you even going to greet me properly?”