Chapter 138 - Absolutely, Positively 12: Out of Character Talent (1/2)

Office Diaries schreient 35290K 2022-07-25

”Preg…nant…” Jena whispered in wonder having realized the possibility just now; her hand automatically reached for her still flat stomach.

Oh yeah…

Jena finally remembered how she'd been when she was carrying Sam.

”I'm pregnant…” she said in wonder again and her sister watched as her eyes filled with tears.

”Jena!” her sister called as she came to her side.

She supported Jena as she seemed to be too weak to sit up on her own. She felt her body tremble as she began to sob.

”What's wrong? Why are you crying?” her sister asked worriedly. ”Shouldn't you be happy?”

”I should,” Jena answered in between hiccups. Her tear ducts ran loose.

”Then why are you crying?” her sister asked once more.

”Because until now I haven't put a closure to my past!” Jena wailed making her sister more confused.

”But...” she started to say but stopped herself upon realizing that her brother-in-law hadn't come clean to Jena yet. She couldn't talk. It wasn't in her place to do so.

Gently, she placed a hand on Jena's shoulder. ”Jen, eight years had already passed. You're married now and you're going to have a new baby. Don't you think it's time for you to completely let go?” she asked.


”Jen,” her sister said in a warning, using her best I'm-your-eldest-sister-so-listen-to-me tone. ”Promise me you won't do anything foolish,” she prompted and Jena bit her lip. ”It's not just for your own good. It's for your husband's, Sam's and your new baby's too,” she continued but Jena closed her eyes.

She couldn't understand but there was something nagging at her, making her dėsɨrė to find out the truth. She had to know. She wanted to know— most especially now that she had some clues on who Sam's father was.

”I can't…”


”Daddy, daddy, come here!” Sammy called from the other side of the yard, waving his hands in the air excitedly. ”You said you'll teach me today!”

”Your boss is calling you,” Jena said teasingly and Alvin scratched his head, laughing at their son's antics.

Sam had his father under his thumb and the young president couldn't say no to his Minnie Me.

”Wait a minute, sport. I'll just help mom with the food,” he called to Sammy who squatted on the grass with a cute pout.

”I'll take care of this,” Jena said pertaining to the steak and Alvin frowned.

”Are you sure?” he asked doubtfully eyeing Jena's stomach.

At four months pregnant, Jena's bump was already showing.

”I'm sure,” she answered as she shooed her husband who gave her a peck on the lips before running to where Sammy was.

”I'll do that,” Jena's father-in-law offered as he took the tong from her. ”You go sit with your mom there,” he continued as he pointed to where the elder lady sat by the table.

”But – ” Jena protested but the old man shooed her the same way she shooed her husband earlier.

”Okay,” she acquiesced with a smile and walked to where her mother-in-law was and sat next to her.

”This is how you do it.”

Alvin's voice floated over and Jena looked up from the table and saw her husband teaching Sammy how to dance. They were at the backyard of her in-law's house where they had lunch every Sunday. She smiled as she watched Sammy mimic Alvin's dance moves and at the same time impressed with her husband's talent in dancing.

”They really look alike!” her mother-in-law commented beside her and Jena couldn't prevent the ache in her heart hearing those words.

She knew it was an innocent comment, but for her, each time she heard those words, she couldn't help but be slapped by the fact that Sammy was another man's son.

”Sammy will be a very good dancer when he grows up,” her mother-in-law continued and Jena smiled sadly at the woman's wistful expression. ”I remember Alvin started dancing when he was about Sam's age. We didn't want him to join a dance club but he was so stubborn that we had no choice but to give in.”

”Alvin joined a dance club?” Jena was surprised.