Chapter 133 - Absolutely, Positively 7: In Laws (1/2)
”Grandma! Grandpa!” Sam squealed as he jumped out of the car and threw himself in his grandparents' waiting embrace.
It was already nine in the evening and they all had just returned to the place after having a meal outside. It was the first time they would be staying long with the new in laws' place and the young boy hadn't stopped asking questions, totally excited about the whole thing. Sam had always loved the elderly couple who treated him like their real grandson when they first met him years ago. Now that they really became his grandparents, the boy was very delighted and couldn't wait to arrive at their house to see them.
”Sammy!” the obviously doting grandparents squealed back as they caught the active boy in their arms.
”My, our baby boy has grown!” Mrs. So exclaimed as she lifted Sam up and planted a kiss on his cheek.
”Grandma!” The boy did the same much to his grandparent's delight.
”Hey, hey, it's my turn,” Mr. So said as he eagerly took Sam from his wife.
Like he did to his grandmother, the boy planted a kiss on his grandfather's cheek and gave him a hug.
”Oh, our Sammy's become heavier!” the old man crowed with pride as he shifted his grandson in his arms so he could look at his face. ”Did you follow grandpa's advice and ate a lot?”
”I'm a big boy now grandpa,” Sammy announced proudly.
”Ah, yes you are. That's why you should go down now. Grandpa might be having difficulty carrying you,” Jena buŧŧed in worriedly as she and Alvin joined the group.
”I can carry him just fine,” Mr. So stated with a grin as he saw her.
”Jena!” Mrs. So said as she enveloped Jena in a hug.
”How are you ma'am?” the latter asked shyly and Mrs. So tapped her arm affectionately.
”It's mom now right?” she said with a grin making her new daughter-in-law blush.
”Hey, what? No welcome kisses or hugs for me?” Alvin complained with a pout, frowning at his parents, and his father snorted as the old man eyed the possessive hand his son had placed permanently on Jena's hip.
”We'll do that son when you've stopped molesting your fiancée in front of us long enough for us to give you a proper welcome.”
”Dad!” Alvin whɨnėd, a little shocked but laughed as he watched Jena's face turn red like an overripe tomato. ”Don't mind my dad. He could be a little scandalous when he wants…”
”Oh phooey, Jena already knew that right?” Mr. So grinned as he put Sam down on the floor and opened his arms wide in a welcome.
”Welcome to the family at last,” the old man said happily and Jena hugged him in return.
The old president and his wife had been nothing but good to her and her son in years and now they're family— well, almost.
”Thank you sir,” she answered and the old man shook his head.
”It's Papa or dad now, just as what that bloke calls me,” the old president said as he pointed at his son who was not able to do anything but scratch his head and crouch to pick Sam up.
”Will my other grandma and grandpa and my aunties come too?” the boy asked and Alvin nodded.
”Yep! Tomorrow before the ceremony,” he answered making the boy smile.
He and Jena would wed tomorrow and the couple had chosen Alvin's parents' huge residence as the venue. The ceremony would take place in the garden and the reception would be inside the house. Jena didn't want an extravagant celebration and Alvin was just willing to follow whatever she wanted.
The old couple had other ideas, however. With Alvin being the president of a huge company and everything, they had coerced the couple into inviting important business colleagues and acquaintances. In the end, the wedding would have a rough estimate of three hundred attendees on Alvin's side alone.
Jena, on the other hand, didn't have that many people she was close to and so she just invited her immediate relatives consisting of her parents and three siblings.