Chapter 96 - It Pays To Tell The Truth (1/2)

Office Diaries schreient 37350K 2022-07-25

”Bye! See you back in Tokyo!”

The authors waved at them before disappearing inside the hotel building where they had walked them back from the restaurant. Only Yanee and Tohru were left outside.

”Come,” Tohru said as he extended his hand towards her.

”You!” She was still fuming a bit and kicked his shin making him jump back in pain.

”Aw! Honey, don't be mad,” he said as he rubbed the injured part, but he didn't look angry.

He just had on a helpless expression, and his light brown eyes looked at her like a puppy asking for forgiveness. He stood back up and extended his hand again with a sheepish smile.

After they had dessert, they finally did some serious work. She checked Rui's outline and the part where she was having difficulty and made some suggestions just as a normal developmental editor would while Tohru checked Bajj's. They did some revisions as well as offered some ideas on how they could get around some plot holes.

Nonetheless, they did all the work with some joshing involved. Each time they discussed a specific scene, Yanee found herself being teased mercilessly by the two unexpected fangirls. Due to the potato's shameless flirting, the authors found out about their status quo and had unabashedly asked them a lot of questions for ”reference” which the potato audaciously answered.

How did you meet?

”Oh, it was when she did an interview for her magazine. I was one of the interviewees,” he said.

How did you fall in love?

”Er… It was love at first sight on my part,” he answered shyly which made the authors squeal. Yanee was sure she saw stars in their eyes.

Who confessed first?

”I did. It was yesterday on the train on the way here to Kyoto,” he answered.

How did you two get together?

At this question, the potato let out a sad, dreamy sigh. ”She hasn't really said yes, so I'm courting her now.” Of course, Yanee got scolded and begged to take the potato in.

”Authors, I just told him I'll go out with him earlier before you came,” Yanee said in frustration as she buried her face in her palms. She thought the potato already got what she meant but it seemed not.

Or yes…

When she looked up at that time, the potato had a smug look on his face. Yanee realized then and there that he just wanted her to mention their status out loud. It was like he egged her to confirm their relationship in front of witnesses.

”I changed my mind,” she added as she glared at him, but of course with his and the authors' ”pleading” Yanee gave up.

So now, after three hours with the authors, she felt exhausted.

”Don't be mad at me anymore, okay?” Tohru apologized softly as he took her hand and they started walking down the road.

The weather was nice although it was a little hot. Both Yanee and Tohru dressed simply when not in the office so they opted for thin shirts and jeans. But this getup made Yanee surreptitiously give him glances when she thought he was not looking. The potato really looked good, better than those jeans models on ads.

She hadn't realized her heart had been pounding but at the same time her insecurity kicked in as well. In most countries in Asia, the standard of beauty was having fair skin— the whiter the prettier. Although Yanee knew she looked good, she had insecurities about her color. It was darker than most girls in Japan since she's part South East Asian.

And Tohru James had lighter skin than her since he's half-American…

”What's the matter, honey?”Tohru asked, making Yanee snap out of her reverie. ”You've been frowning at me for a while now. Are you still angry?”

Yanee shook her head. ”No. I just think you have better skin than I do. My girl pride just took a hit,” she said teasingly with a nervous chuckle.

”Ha? What are you talking about?”Tohru looked confused which also puzzled her in return. He then pulled her towards a shop window they passed and made her look at her reflection. ”Honey, your skin is so beautiful. I may look lighter but you… you glow.”

Yanee stared at the reflection in the mirror. But what her eyes noted was not herself but the man who held her with such a gentle and happy expression and she sighed.

”Chummy said you had issues with your skin color, but to me, you're so beautiful,” he whispered to her ear and she blushed as she turned around to face him.

”Alright. I believe you,” she said with a helpless smile. ”You don't have to flatter me all the time. I already had an earful back at the restaurant with the authors,” she said and he laughed as they continued to walk.

”We still have time before Ria and Michael arrive. Do you want to go to the Heian Temple to look around?” he asked.