Chapter 14 - Her Sin (1/2)
”On your mark,” their coach called and Jinho stopped moving, his eyes focused on the other end of the pool. ”Get set,” the coach continued, and Yunjae was privy to how those muscles rippled as the athlete bent his body, ready to dive into the water.
As a swimmer, Yunjae had practiced hard day after day in order to achieve the body condition needed in this sport. She was naturally slender in built and she never tanned regardless that she spent most of her days dipped into the pool than on land. Still, she never achieved the body she wanted which made it difficult for her to perform her favorite swimming stroke: the buŧŧerfly.
Jinho, on the other hand, had a very beautiful body fit for the sport. His overall built made the difficult stroke seemed so easy. In fact, whenever she saw him do the buŧŧerfly, she couldn't help but become fascinated every time.
”Go!” the coach yelled and he dove into the clear blue water in record speed, and Yunjae unconsciously stood up to take a better look. Within the glassy surface, Jinho's strong arms flapped magnificently like wings of a buŧŧerfly. Beautiful, graceful, glorious in each stroke, his tanned broad back rippled in every move as crystal clear beads cascaded down his bronzed skin.
Seeing Jinho swim would always make her heart constrict in her ċhėst. But this wasn't purely because of envy. No… it was also about something else.
”Are you still mad at me?” Jinho asked as he tweaked Yunjae's nose, and the latter leaned back in irritation. He was kneeling in front of her, but she wouldn't give him the time of day.
”Don't start with me Kang Jinho. I haven't forgiven you yet,” she said grumpily making the other pout cutely and she had to turn away for she knew she'd smile.
It was already late and their coach had long since left with instruction for Jinho to help Yunjae with her speed. Half an hour after however, she remained seated on the bench, refusing to cooperate with her voluntary instructor. After all, it was somehow Jinho's fault that she was very slow today.
”I already said I was sorry,” he cajoled but she still refused to look at him. ”I promise I won't do it again,” he added and she turned to him with her brow raised. ”You won't?” she challenged making the other look like he would take back what he said. Almost.
The 'it' they were referring to was Jinho's overly eager lovemaking the night before which made it difficult for Jae to swim with painful hɨps and thɨġhs.
Yes, the two of them were lovers – had been since they met at the poolside in their first year at the university.
”Well no, at least not when we have a competition to attend,” Jinho answered with a pout, his almond eyes which had been filled with fire of a conqueror just earlier were now focused on her, wide, pleading, brimming with sweetness. He was like a lost pup that she felt like giving in but she wouldn't.
Well, not really.
”I don't need your sorry,” Yunjae ȧsserted as she pushed at Jinho's ċhėst with a finger. ”Just how many times have I been yelled at because of you? I lost count already. I think it's better if I quit.”
”No!” Jinho protested as he stood up, his endearing pout becoming longer, and she almost laughed as an array of expressions crossed her lover's face. She was sure he was thinking of many reasons why she shouldn't quit.
In the end, the latter chose the most selfish reason, and yet it was what Yunjae mostly wanted to hear. ”I don't want you to leave. Stay. Swim…with me,” Jinho whispered as he caught her hands in his and all thoughts of leaving left her mind along with her sulking.
”Okay,” she answered, finally with a smile and the next thing they knew, the two of them were rushing into the pool like children, laughing with a carefree innocence of their love, playing in the water and then kissing as soon as they submerged into the clear liquid.
With wide smiles on their faces, with love shining in their eyes, they held hands underneath, twirling as they glided along the pool's length. ”I love you,” Jinho mouthed in the water, and Yunjae smiled as she did the same.
Yes, this was the reason her heart constricted with such emotions whenever she watched him swim. It wasn't envy. It was love…and pride.
Yunjae was proud that the magnificent buŧŧerfly in the water was hers.
The telephone rang and Yunjae sat up straight with a start. Glancing at the clock told her that it was already five in the afternoon, and she mentally kicked herself for spacing out too long. It was a good thing her boss didn't come out while she was daydreaming else she'd have been shouted at again.