Chapter 1 - Yanee (1/2)

Office Diaries schreient 23690K 2022-07-24

Click-clack click-clack…

The clicking of the heels against the polished marble floor echoed in the hallway, as one young woman hurried down the corridor. Straight bob cut hair that reached the top of a pair of delicate shoulders swayed as the owner moved. The highlights artistically placed by the hairdresser yesterday evening glistening on the top of her head as she passed by the rows and rows of glass windows.

It was a Monday, her first day reporting to work since her week-long vacation from the Philippines. It was her reward to herself after the stressful couple of months she had worked on her feature in their lifestyle magazine.

”Hey! You're back!”

Cynthia Tan, or Chummy as she called her bubbly co-worker welcomed her with her signature smile as she glided towards her in her own deadly pair of stilettos with her arms wide open for a hug.

Yanee Lee didn't hesitate to go in for an embrace. She put down the paper bags she was carrying on the glossy tile of the floor as she went into Chummy's arm, and gave her a peck on the cheek afterwards.

”You look totally amazing!”

Chummy's eyes glinted with appreciation as she ran over Yanee's features with her gaze. The holiday did great wonder on her already naturally tanned skin. She looked more radiant with her sun-kissed complexion. That, paired with her height which was five-feet-seven inches, plus a very pretty elfin face, a pair of huge doe eyes framed with long lashes the color of kohl, a small but pointed nose and a pair of full, lush lips, she looked like a model.

”You do, you do.” Ever her fan, Chummy readily agreed. ”No one would know you're a writer. They'd all think you're meant to walk the runway.”

Yep, Yanee was a writer – a budding lifestyle writer of a very popular magazine in Tokyo. It had always been her dream since she was young and she was very proud to say that all the grueling hours she spent studying, all her efforts had finally paid off.

Just before she left for her vacation, Yanee actually penned a very, very popular feature in their magazine. Since it's a lifestyle one, their target market, of course, was young women. From time to time, they would do a special article that had intrigued and tickled the ladies' interests.

What could that ever be?

If it's not cosmetics, sales or fashion, then it would be men – Men with a capital M.

Because her senior went on a long leave for her wedding and honeymoon, the huge article ȧssignment was handed to her instead. She was tasked to gather information and interview five dashing, young men who were all excellent in their respective fields.

For the next six months, she had to work hard as she interviewed an architect, an actor, a businessman, a doctor, and an editor-in-chief of a huge publication. Five people, five good-looking and successful men. Who wouldn't be excited about getting to know any of them?

Yanee, of course, grabbed the opportunity to work on this as she knew it would be a very successful project. Did she mention that she had a great time?