13 The arrival to the village. (1/2)

The book depicted strange writings Apolion never heard before.

There were magic symbols all over the place too, with descriptions of a unknown language.

'This could mean that it might be a magical book designed for warriors or mages of this world maybe...as I the symbols look like magic circles as depicted back home'. The books were very intriguing so he took one book to study while he left the others.The only reason he took that book was because it looked fancier than the others.

It was grey and old.The dark lines of the voids highlighted the books cover.There was a symbol present in the middle; very complexly drawn and carefully made perfect in all angles.Golden in colour and shiny as stars.

'Well, I will just take this one althou the backpack has a lot of space I don't think I want the whole library do I?. Maybe in the village and cities I might travel to I could find more interesting books or materials save space for emergency and future stuff'. Apolion made a firm decision and left the place. As the door seemed to be strangely open; perphaps, from the fall of the zombies as if it was a trial or a trap in pyramids or so thought Apolion.

It turns out it is true it opened after the battle was over and the reason won't matter for now..Well, not yet.You will see..in the future.

Apolion wanted to go down and hurry up to the village as he might miss the opportunity to meet his future friends and maybe new adventures and quickly eliminate the danger of this world.Althou, this tower was interesting and it bought him bad luck -and was about to almost die-it made him more experienced and watch out for dangerous events.

Apolion run quickly to get out from the nightmarish tower and didn't want to remain any second as he didn't wanna die, which, will waste his 3 lives , even thou, he was about to lose it in a moment of minutes ego.

''Hahh'' Breathed Apolion heavely with a big mouth multiple times by: Taking air in and air out, and air in and out.

'Let's go no-...!' before Apolion could think of something the big tower went on to collapsing and was about to fall in front of him.The danger was nearing.The bricks of death were unleashing their might.

''Hell No!'' Apolion ran like a mad man even thou the tower was nearing.

'Why does this things happen to me?' As Apolion was running in the front and the shadow was nearing closer he was in despair. 'What do I do? Will I die stupidly again?' In a moment of chaotic thoughts he saw the other part of the ground where the tower was not facing.


With a jump. Apolion made it alive by going to another side where the tower did not fall upon.

'That was close'.

He thought of the stupidity of not realising there was other places where he can skip through by going sideways in a tower's longitude.But, the past is the past.

He deeply looked at the destroyed colossal havoc the tower made by self suicide one last time and parted.

He looked at the countryside ahead. There was a yellow road like in those animations and cartoons he used to watch back in Earth with a fantastical countryside allways with a srange middle road out of the blue. Even in artworks and real life it happens. He wondered: Who made them? A mystery for him for now.


A youngster walked in silence, with a hat with circles of red highlights bellow the hat's tower(similar to Ace from one piece's to get an idea) and a bottle of water hanging out in his neck.The clothes he wearied to look like a high quality clothing similar to high level lords of warrior class,specially from stealth types such as assassins.With a white hood hanging from his back.A suit joint together with the hood and its back as long as his legs making two strands of wings hanging like leaves.(similar to Altair's clothing from 'assassins creed' but only the hood part and down from the legs part the rest is open suit with many buttons. To get an idea.)There was another layer of clothing as his torso and black in colour as if its a jumper but with chains hanging with other buttons in between the abs and breast forming arcs.

The sun was burning and hot yet the wind was cold like knives in a bloodshed.The trees lost their hairs.The world was deadly silent.The clouds were everywhere; some dark \u0026 some pure.

'The 100 miles! will end...I can finally see it!' thought Apolion as he saw glimpses of a village after 2 days of going alone and taking breaks and encampments in the process.And the gate was visible and some guards were present.

'Finally people I can talk to!'. Apolion tried to understand the language and he put his mind steadily in memorizing the language given to him named 'Engorian' which is similar to English so he can learn it fast.He mostly knows how to write but not pronounce as he needed verification form real people to see their pronunciation. He knows some meanings the basics to get going but its not easy as it seems he still has trouble to remember everything so he will mostly rely on writing and sign language.

5 minutes later....

''Hello I am 'Apolion' and I am a traveler. I came here for staying and visiting the place and maybe join your people if I feel obliged or like it.I do not have a country and I was raised in a remote village in a forest. I do not know language much.Can I pass please?'' said Apolion smoothly as he practiced the same paragraph along the journey for entrance.The rest he planned ot use sign language of other basic words.

''Oh? you have any identity card or anything to prove that you are not a threat such as any documents?'' asked one of the guards guarding the gate.

The gate was massive and had a round sign with two unknown words written on it.It looked like it was filled with golden highlights.The gate's door was red and made of a dense wood as it seems.There were two guards ,strangely enough, guarding the gate.But the others might be hiding or inside the village.

They looked as if they had a western armour with a lance.A helmet similar to vikings, however, but no horns were present.They had white complexions but the odd thing about them was their hair.One had a Blue hair and the other had a green hair or so it could be seen from the bits of hair coming out of their helmet and the eyebrows.

'They might be dies or natural colour never seen on Earth.' thought Apolion as he looked wiht interest.

But ,nevertheless, Apolion was confused. He did not understand what they mean by 'identity card' so he just passed it off by saying : ''I do not understand Engorian and your language.Only little bit''.

The guards looked at each other with a bit of amusement and confusion in what to do..until..


”Well then let's just get him an interview,it's winter and we shouldn't bother much with this after all this is the 'Village of Sparcian' owned by Lord Achil .His clothes look like that of a noble.He could be one of those who escaped from a forced marriage or something, but, definitely untrustworthy, and he seems to struggle to understand our language and on top of that does not know Egorian.Probably from a small country far away I don't know how he managed thou..'' said one of the guards to the other-the one with green hair in the left.

''Well you are right.But I feel pity for him so lets just get him an interview from the Lord, after all we have a noble here and apart form your speculations he might be from an enemy nation or a country with problems too.Only the Lord can solve this problem.'' said the other guard reflecting on his companion's words.