26 Taking along the Cubs (1/2)
”No I am not, the bear would have died before killing them all if I wasn't helping t from the sidelines by distracting the wolf from time to time allowing her to land a lethal blow” Matt said and pointed towards two level 2 mutated wolves and continued ”Those two are stronger than the bear take there meat instead”
Seeing that Matt wasn't joking they didn't argued with him and after taking the Machete from Natasha, Drake started to skin the wolf.
While Natasha walked towards Matt with bright eyes as she looked at the little bear cub ”Aww!! It's so cute!”
Than before Matt could say anything Natasha started to scratch it's head making the the bear snuggle into Matt's embrace.
”You know! how to take care of a bear!?” asked Matt in surprised as when he tried it there wasn't that much reaction from the bear cub.
”NO! but I did had a dog at my house in Texas who loved to be scratched behind its ear when it was alive” Natasha said, ”What are you going to do with it!?”
”What else I will have to raise it in her mother's place!?” Matt replied.
”Do you even know how to take care of a pet let alone a bear!?” Natasha asked
”No, but there is internet for that! I am pretty sure it knows how to take care of bear” Matt replied.
”Umm..... don't the bear generally have 2 to 3 cubs” Sarah asked.
”You are right but I only found this one!” Matt replied.
”Than the other one must be somewhere near, since Matt has taken one I will take care of the other” said Natasha as she walked behind the bushes to look for the other cub and she actually found one.
Natasha picked up the bear cub and said ”See this one was sleeping right here!”
Matt knew that the other cub if alive was somewhere near but he didn't had the time to look for the other cub as the others already came and since he didn't think he would be able to keep feeding the two bear cubs for the next 42 days before the apocalypse starts.
”Keep in mind that these bear cubs will mutate so it won't be satisfied easily.” Matt stated to make sure that Natasha understands the responsibility of taking one such bear, ”And after Mutation it's not necessary that it won't attack you. Unlike dogs who remain loyal even after mutation you can't tell if the other pets will stay loyal to you or not”
”You are taking care of one don't you! Just stay in contact with me to tell me how to take care of bear” Natasha stated.
”All right just take care of it properly and if you have any problems than you can call me!” Matt said as he looked at his own Grizzly Bear cub and said ”What about you little guy!? Wanna come with me!”