14 Truth about Monkeys (1/2)

”Let's not think about that for now, look around yourselves to make sure that we don't miss any clues” Matt said as he saw that the dragging marks were ending.

Natasha nodded her head and continued to look around them only to find an earing laying on the ground not far from them.

”Hey Matt that's” Natasha said pointing towards the earring but Matt had already seen it and was walking towards it.

”Why did the dragging marks end here!? There is no one here!?” asked Natasha

”Don't forget that even though giant ass but still they are monkey's, after entering the forest they are in their home turf so they must have traveled through the trees while carrying the tourists with them.” explained Matt

”Then, How are we supposed to find them!?” Natasha asked

”Keep looking around for blood spots, since there guide had his head bashed up, then blood must still be leaking from his head if we follow that trail than we would find them” Matt said as he looked around the trees and found a blood patch on it.

”There is another one here!” Natasha said walking a little forward pointing towards another tree trunk.

”We are on the right track let's keep moving forward” said Matt as they started moving once again.

As they kept walking Natasha stayed silent the whole time which was a surprise for matt as he thought her to be a chatterbox type but it looked like she knew when to keep her mouth shut.

Finding the blood spots on the trees, they continued on the path and after 5 minutes of walking through the forest they heard some noise.

”Oo oo ah ah a!!” ”khu kha ka ko kha kho” both of them were able to hear these voice and both had enough knowledge to know that this noise was made by no one else but Monkey's.

They crouched down and hid behind the bushes to look at the monkey's without getting found but what they saw shocked the hell out of them.

16 bulky monkeys were jumping on the trees 11 of them were around 5 feet tall, than 4 others reached around 6 feet while the last one that both of them saw had already seen in the video was the 7 feet tall monkey. All of them were clapping for their 17th monkey who was also 5 feet tall but unlike the rest he wasn't bulky and looked like a normal monkey was on the ground fighting against a human who was getting beaten by the monkey and was bleeding from his head and hand.

On the side their were 14 to 15 dead bodies of humans were lying on the ground while 6 humans were standing not from the dead bodies cowering in fear. Matt looked at them and saw Angel's mother was still alive but that wasn't strange as all the dead bodies were of men out of the 7 alive 5 of them were women of different age while only two of the remaining were men out of which one of them was fighting and Matt knew that if he died then the next one who will come to fight would be the last man after which they will move on to the womens.