Chapter 10-311: Mothers and Fathers (1/2)

The Power of Ten RE Druin 44150K 2022-07-24

“They won’t recognize me until I let them, but then they won’t ever not recognize me,” I said in amusement, as we walked up to the double doors in front.

Azaia settled herself grimly, and knocked once.

The door swung open almost instantly, and an older halvyr, meaning he looked to be in his later thirties, promptly opened the door. He was dressed in a butler’s outfit, looking very professional. His gaze alighted on Azaia, and immediately warmed up. “Lady Azaia! What a pleasant surprise. We were not expecting you.” His eyes moved over her shoulder to Legion’s face, which had shifted once again to hide their eyes and put the professional bored bodyguard look on again, and then they moved over and down to me.

His eyes got wide, too.

My hand sank into his face, fingertips glowing, and he jerked, a garbled scream coming out of his throat as I grabbed and pulled.

The scream had two voices to it.

The thing that came out of him was flowing black, with a head that opened up into shadowy jaws and skin like ink.

I’d seen its twin down in Mexico. As the butler’s eyes rolled up and he convulsed in shock at the shadowy shabnodaemon being torn from him, Legion-Mei calmly reached right over Azaia’s shoulder with Grit extended, and put a silent, blazing bullet in the butler’s face, their dark eyes instantly reverting to ink and silver.

The daemon was squealing as it materialized, starting to clutch at my fist. Swirls of Shards ran down my arm, condensed, and blew right through it with Heavenly life, Light, and power. The inky flesh my fingers were sunken into burned away, and kept burning in a devouring stream of Wrath and Vivus and Sacred energies.

Its mental scream of horror as it was fed to the Land lasted a couple seconds longer than it did.

Azaia was the first to step inside, tears at the corner of her eyes, her lips quavering but resolute nonetheless. Legion was right after her, and I slid up behind, Clavus spinning in my hand as two bodyguards raced out of an adjoining room.

Despite themselves, they hesitated when they saw the beautiful young halvyri with the cerulean hair standing there. “Lady Azaia?!” they blurted out in alarm, their guns still in hand but not pointing at her.

A Grit round loaded with silent, Pure Wrath slammed into the face of the one, and a flight of Shards into the chest of the other. Both dropped instantly.

Azaia watched the purple fade from the Detect EvilVII radii of Legion and I, still painting the presences glistening darkly in its view to the south, closer to the river. Some of them were starting to move.

Legion led the way, surging through the adjoining sitting room, the dining room towards the back, and did not even bother to open the glass doors there. They slammed right through the glass, shooting at the two guards with two Grits flaring brilliant Wrath as glass and splinters flew.

I was drawing up my targets and let fly with a Seeking Shardray.

Everything on the scan was in range. A coruscating Ray of many colors blew past Legion and arced away, going for the first target before I skated out of the room.

A second later, eight different purple spots were fading away, and I was out there and coasting up to the lip of the balcony, looking over the landing below us.

The halvyri there was slowly getting to her feet, her golden eyes starting to glow and blazing red hair starting to actually stream fire.

It certainly would have been impressive to most people. Her eyes settled on me, and she froze in shock.

“Hello, Father.” I flicked up twenty-three Shards, all jet and silver crystal teardrops, with glows around them of many, many colors. “I would like to introduce you to the power of the conjoined Bright and Dark Moon Bloodlines. Please, resist. I’m sure you have a perfect defense against my attack. I will find it most amusing.”

The flames licking up around the woman below flickered and went out as she licked her lips. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Lady Traveler. Why have you come here to kill me?”

“Nice Astral Ward,” I noted conversationally, and a flash of silver washed over her and promptly broke every extant spell upon her as if they were gossamer. “Clerical magic, and Pact Magic. I’m afraid the young lady behind me can verify that her mother had neither.”

I’d fed all the sensations right up to her. Azaia stepped up, her eyes glowing golden Light as she glared at the woman who was not her mother.

“And you can feel it too, can’t you? Your mutual Hungry Kiss Pacts can feel one another at this range.”

Legion stepped up and stared down at the halvyri impassively with ink and silver eyes. The internationally famous fire-haired beauty blanched despite herself.

I started down the steps, eyes not leaving her, my Shards revolving in dazzling, attention-fixing splendor. They were as long as my hand, individually far more dangerous than any minor spell, and there were arcs of many, many kinds of energies burning and shining around them. She was having a hard time looking at the Sacred energies attached to them, and backed away despite herself.

“I know you can sense I reinforced the Stillflight and the Interdiction, so you know you aren’t going anywhere,” I went on conversationally. I flicked a finger, and a spot of ruby light flickered over my finger, began to spin around me, and two blood-red arrows formed on it, before one faded away.

“Hey, Dad, how ya doin’? Been waitin’ t’ hear from ya for, like, ages now.” The red arrow of the Bloodline Bond pointed accusingly. “You’n’ma getting along pretty good, I see. Betcha she doesn’t argue back at all now.”

She blanched as I reached the landing, backing up against the far end of it. “So, it is you,” she sniffed defiantly. “How did you hide your Bloodline all those years?”

“I didn’t. You were too inept to sense it. I had both Bloodlines, and if you didn’t know what you were looking at, Bright and Dark seemed to cancel one another out. Idiot.” I tilted my head as she grit her teeth in frustrated consternation. “Oh, come on, not even going to show me what the Dark Moon and Phoenix Bloodline do together? I’m disappointed, Dad. Thought you’d show some of that famous Morning temper. You sure you don’t want to spell-tussle with a Deep Fourteen?”