Chapter 10-303: More Oaths (1/2)

The Power of Ten RE Druin 50180K 2022-07-24

For all that she was quite strong, Azaia was not a combat mage, although she had done her service in France and been trained since she could walk. She simply tended to avoid combat, and the government had been perfectly happy to keep her behind the lines curing injuries and handing out Buffing spells rather than mixing it up anywhere important.

Hitting Nine and being able to Teleport from place to place made her a wonderful transporter of important items for Church and State, too. Thus, she knew a large number of important and wealthy people, and had no problem making money just scribing Scrolls, if she wanted to. Everybody wanted V’s to toss around, in the end.

Still, she had spent most of her time making Toys, or Miscellaneous Magic Items. Nothing says wealthy like spending 50k for an animated teddy bear for your daughter, after all, or a crystalline bird that sings Chopin.

She wasn’t going to be in much danger, of course. I could Buff her along with myself and Master Fred quite easily with Eldritch Tapestry.

As for her Levels, I took care of that with a Kiss.

I didn’t have any Succubus Racial Levels, but the potential was there, and Enervation was a IV Valence Necromancy spell that could be lifted to VII, and as long as she deliberately failed the Save come dawn, it would do the job.

Instead of straight-up neutralizing her life energy, I sort of ‘pushed it out’, into the diamond pendant on a necklace I made for her. With a simple Save, she could reclaim all her power at dawn; her refusal to do so was what would make it possible for her to set a new course.

She was still ghastly pale when I finally let her go, shuddering and having to sit down after feeling all the Levels she had gained over the years draining away, her Valences dissolving into nothing, and the power she had built up reverted to stored-up potential in the heart-cut diamond at her throat.

I had to Drain her all the way down to Two for the Helix Method to work. It was a hard fall from being a Nine Wizardess.

Then we discussed her Path, and HOW she was going to Level. She’d lost a lot of her Feats and Masteries, of course... but not her Rep Counts. Despite herself and having suffered a devastating loss of power, she got very deep into the advancement schema, especially as she saw how all the different Classes could fold over and combine with one another, and how with a proper Stat spread, she was eligible to gain Levels in so many Classes...


“I Wish for Azaia Morningwind’s Primary Class to be set to Sorcerer,” Legion said quietly, and Azaia gaped.


Azaia gasped as she felt a swirl in her mind, and the Sorcerer Level she’d just advanced to Two suddenly took on new significance in her mind.

“I Wish that Azaia Morningwind would gain a point of Wisdom, to apply when she has accrued five such Wishes.”


“I Wish that Azaia Morningwind would gain a point of Wisdom, to apply when she has accrued five such Wishes.”


Azaia looked between Legion and me, swallowing visibly. “You can grant Wishes?” she asked in disbelief.

“Technically, no. However, I can duplicate the ability of the Efreet bound in this Genie Prison, which he is unaware of.” I lifted up the glittering crystalline Prison from behind me for her to see. It looked like a fancy hair ornament, and she stared at it. “It comes in quite handy.” And since he couldn’t sense outside it whenever I didn’t want him to, he had no idea I was doing this.

More of a peace of mind thing, anyways, as he couldn’t stop it, and when the Shroud went away, he would lose all memory of it regardless.

“You used it to raise all your Stats!” she gasped.

“And those of many other people,” I confirmed. “To the magical 14 needed to start the Road to Ten.”

She considered her own Stats. “And you’re going to do the same for me...”

I nodded once. “You are going to need the edge, especially if you want to make it to Twenty, and step beyond into the Eternal.”

She touched the Blessing on her arm, moved from her forehead, already boosting her Wisdom by a massive +4, making it her highest Stat. It was plain that things were going to be very different as she reclaimed her power.

“What do I need to do next?” she asked intently, and I nodded.

“Let’s see what Traits you are eligible for. Warcaster Tradition should now be one of them!” And would get her started on the road of being a Shardcaster, although her Magical Lineage went in a different direction...