Chapter 453 - Dinner With The French Prince (1/2)
Since Aubry had first arrived in Kufstein throughout the past few days, Berengar had been maintaining his distance. As a host, he was forced to entertain guests from the nearby Kingdom of France. Because of this, he would find himself at meals with his family, with Aubry at the scene.
An awkward situation was taking place at the moment, as Honoria glared at Aubry with a sense of overwhelming fury. The feminine Prince of France had stolen her seat next to Berengar and was currently flirting with her man.
While Berengar was far from pleased with the result, he found it hard to push away the boy's repeated advances. Thus he was sitting in his seat, with a twink staring at him with a longing gaze, trying to find out more about his personality.
”I heard that your Majesty was just a lowly Baron's son. Yet, you used your superior knowledge of engineering and tactics to rise to the Status of a King. Is that true?”
Berengar sneered at Aubry as he entertained his question with a smug response.
”That is right; in the eyes of many of my more noble subjects, I am still nothing more than a usurper. A lowly Baron who had killed his way to the top. Now tell me, Aubry do you despise me for my lowly pedigree?”
Though Berengar expected the boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth to rile in disgust of his lowly heritage, his statement had the opposite effect. There was a twinkle of excitement in Aubry's eyes and a slightly noticeable bulge in his dress as he heard Berengar boast of rising to his current position through sheer strength of will. The feminine Prince shook his head before expressing his thoughts on the matter.
”Not at all; in fact, I find it exciting. Despite being born to a line of lowly Barons, you have used your power to achieve victory over your masters, to the point where you are now the most powerful man in Christendom. Any man who calls you usurper is unaware of your great strength!”
Berengar immediately frowned as he noticed that his plot of insulting himself had not had turned out quite as planned. Instead, he decided to take a more religious approach. Though Berengar knew there was no way that a homosexual like Aubry was deeply religious, he did know for a fact that the social implications behind his following statement were something the boy could not ignore as a Prince of a Catholic Kingdom.
”So, you don't mind that I am a heretic who has been excommunicated and condemned to hell by two Popes?”
Once more, the effeminate Prince answered in a way that was contrary to the Austrian King's expectations.
”Not at all. I agree with some of your premises, such as how the right to rule over man is given to man, not the Church. I think if our two Kingdoms formed some form of partnership, we would be able to achieve many great things and throw off the yoke of the Papacy once and for all!”
When Aubry said this, he reached over and started dancing his dainty fingers across Berengar's forearm, which was a step too far for Honoria to handle. She immediately lashed out at her ex-fiance and violently ripped his hand away from her husband.
”Get your paws off my man, you filthy tramp!”
Though Aubry was far from a violent man, he realized he was struggling to contain his desire to slap the bitch for her interference in his seduction attempt. Luckily for Berengar, Honoria had removed Aubry's hands, or else he would have punched the Prince, causing a diplomatic crisis. If there were one thing he would not tolerate from a man, it was forced physical intimacy. Rather than resort to violence, Aubry forced a smile before commenting on Honoria's behavior.
”Princess Honoria, there is no need to be so hostile. I am simply being friendly, as is my responsibility as a diplomat of my father's Kingdom.”
However, Honoria was not buying this remark. Instead, she stared at Aubry with a murderous aura as she whispered a vile threat into his ear.
”If you continue to seduce my husband, mark my words. It will end bloody for you!”
Despite these words, Aubry was undeterred and smiled at Honoria in response. Linde and Adela gazed upon this scene of conflict while eating their meals. They had no intentions of interrupting the effeminate Prince who was making a fool of himself.
As for Henrietta, she was also glaring daggers at the young man; the reason being is she would never allow yet another bitch to steal her brother away from her. Even if this bitch was a man dressed as a woman. She would be damned if her precious big brother slept with this tramp before herself! Ultimately, Yasmin broke the tension by making a remarkable comment.
”If there were a man like you in my Kingdom, we would throw him from the rooftop. Frankly, I find your lack of masculinity utterly disgusting...”
When Berengar heard this, he set down his fork and uttered his command to the chaotic scene and the people involved with it.