Chapter 365: Legalizing Polygamy (1/2)

Currently, Berengar was within the chambers of the Reichstag, making his case as to why polygamy should be legal. Against the wishes of hundreds of Austrian members of Congress, he championed the cause that he desperately believed in.

After weeks of being married to Adela, he felt that an appropriate amount of time had passed for him to push forward with his plan. As such, he began to speak passionately to the members of the Reichstag about his views on the subject.

”You ask why I think one man should have many wives? If you think about it, the reason is quite simple: fertility rates. If every German man were to take multiple wives, our nation's birth rates would vastly increase. A new era is upon us, and soon our people will spread across the world and claim its vast territory for ourselves!

In order to fill these lands, we must have a larger population. Currently, our great Kingdom holds control over Switzerland, but there is a significant minority within those lands that are not German. As such, every German man must help spread his seed and Germanize the non-German population of our Kingdom!

This includes Bohemia, which I have recently seized control over; I wish for the Bohemian population to speak our language and embrace our great culture within four generations! Thus I propose that every German man will be allowed up to five lawful wedded wives, while a woman can only have one husband!”

After saying this, one member of parliament immediately began to debate with Berengar about a crucial point

”What about the offspring of these non-German women! The constitution clearly states that only full-blooded Germans can be citizens of our realm. What do you propose to do with the children of these marriages?”

Berengar smiled as he began to address the question

”An excellent question, the solution is simple, the offspring will remain permanent residents until a point where their descendants have at least three German grandparents. They will be excluded from inheritance laws and will not have any of the political privileges that the German people are afforded within our Kingdom!”

The chamber immediately began to erupt in outrage as they fiercely debated with Berengar over the issue. Berengar had the power to pass this law regardless of how they felt. Still, he felt the need to maintain the appearance that the people had some form of representation and thus continued to debate with them about the legalization of polygamy.

Little did Berengar know that while he was hard at work to legalize polygamy, Linde and Honoria had begun to act behind the scenes to get Adela to join their little sisterhood. For too long, the young Queen had ignored their desires to share Berengar, and as such, they were forced to take drastic measures.

With this in mind, Linde had abused her control over Austrian Royal Intelligence to spike Adela's drink with the same drug that she had attempted to use on Berengar so many years ago. As Adela drank from her glass of wine, waiting for Berengar to return from the Reichstag, she suddenly began to feel dreadfully dizzy and hot all over. Her knees began to buckle before she collapsed to the floor.

As she did so, she saw Linde and Honoria enter the room with wicked grins on their faces; instantly, the young Queen began to fear for her life as she lashed out verbally at her aggressors.

”What did you two bitches do to me!?!”

Linde, however, knelt before Adela and instantly began to kiss her, which made the young Queen's cheeks flush red with embarrassment; after pulling their tongues apart, Linde started to tease Adela.

”Don't worry, you won't die, trust me; by the time we're done with you, you're going to feel like you are in heaven!”

After saying this, Linde and Honoria began to drag Adela to the Harem room, where they proceeded to lock the doors behind them. After doing so, they began to strip her of her lacey sapphire dress, where they gazed upon her undergarments with excited expressions.

Adela was currently wearing a black lacey bra with a matching thong and garter belt. Adela had no control over herself as her hands reached for her dripping wet cave, desperately trying to put out the fire in her loins.

After seeing this enticing sight Linde and Honoria stripped the queen completely naked, and they began to follow suit. After they were all undressed they pinned Adela onto the bed, where Honoria sat upon the Queen's pretty face, forcing her to lick her slit. While Honoria was enjoying herself, Linde began to have her fun. She began to tease Adela's lower region with her tongue before sliding her finger inside it. She continued this until Adela had climaxed all over her face.

However, it did not end there; the duo continued their assault on the Queen until she was utterly spent. After a few hours of sexual torture, Adela began to come down from the effects of the drug and glared murderously at the two naked women lying next to her. She instantly began to curse them out. However, she did not become violent.