Chapter 359: The Man with Two Crowns (1/2)

Over a week had passed, and Berengar had set out with a division of 10,000 men. This specialized unit was equipped with Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery. While the Rifled Breech Loaders were currently undergoing field testing, Berengar would have to make do with his traditional muzzleloading smoothbore cannons.

However, the young monarch did not expect an actual war to break out. After all, the threat of this task force and its willingness to use violence to pursue Berengar's goals would be more than enough to deter any idea of resistance.

Like a Conqueror laying claim to a city, Berengar rode atop his trusty steed in his full dress uniform. The gazes of envy from the battle-worn Hussite soldiers as they saw such a crisp and elegant uniform affixed on Berengar's exemplary visage did not go unnoticed by the young King.

Ultimately the area set for discussion regarding the new Monarch of Bohemia was established within the royal castle in Prague. As such, Berengar marched up its steps with his royal guard in tow, without the slightest hint of hesitation or fear in his eye. Instead, an oppressive aura exuded from his figure, filling anyone who witnessed it with dread and trepidation.

After bursting through the doors of the castle and entering the Great Hall where the various factions were engaged in a brutal argument about who should be King, Berengar ignored their shouts, walked past the crowd, and sat upon the Bohemian Throne as if it were the most natural thing for him to do.

After doing so, he crossed one leg over the other and rested his face on his fist with a smug expression. It was only after several moments of silence had passed that Berengar made his decree known to all of the men present.

”All who seek to lay claim to the Bohemian Crown step forward and present your cases, I Berengar von Kufstein, first of my name, and King of Austria will hear your words and choose the most fitting to sit upon this throne.”

The moment Berengar said this, the room was filled with shock; Berengar did not hide his intent in the slightest; he had brazenly stated that he would choose the next King of Bohemia as such, Valdemar was the first among the candidates to object to the notion of having a foreigner choose their King.

”Who do you think you are, to come into this Great Hall, seat yourself upon the Throne that belongs to our people, and declare that you shall be the man who determines our King?!”

Berengar's smug expression faltered as he heard the man so brazenly question his judgment; in response to this, the young monarch snapped his fingers, the very next moment, a Rifle was lowered, and the echo of gunfire resounded throughout the chamber. Valdemar, the favored candidate of the Hussite Moderates, stared in shock as blood began to pour from his chest.

He could not believe that in a single moment, his life had been stripped away by the bullet of one of Berengar's Royal Guards. The surprised expression on the man's face was his last reaction before he collapsed dead on the floor. The various factions vying for the Bohemian Crown instantly began to panic; however, the doors were sealed shut and blocked by Berengar's royal guards. As such, there was no escape to be had.

Seeing that he had garnered everyone's attention, Berengar rose from his seat and gazed sternly upon the men who had gathered before him; as he did so, he began to project the full authority that belonged to him as the only monarch in the room.

”Who am I? I am the man with an army of 10,000 men capable of shelling this city into oblivion. You would be wise to obey my commands, for the lives of you and everyone who remains within this wretched city exists solely because of my decision. I will not ask again; all of you who lay claim to the Bohemian Crown step forward and present your case. Only the man in this room most fit to rule shall be given the authority to act as King!”

After seeing what Berengar had done to Valdemar, not a single man was willing to step forward; after all, it was becoming increasingly clear to the men who wanted to rule what Berengar's plan was. To step forward was to face certain death. As such only silence prevailed in the room for some time.  Eventually, Berengar broke the silence by spitting upon the ground before him in disgust. As he did so, he spoke, his words laced with venom as he chewed out the men gathered in the hall.

”Pathetic... Truly, and utterly pathetic. I know there are men among your ranks who wish to be King, and yet here you stand utterly silent, in fear of what I might do to you. If you do not dare to step forward and press your claim in the face of overwhelming authority, then what right do any of you have to rule as King!?!

What I see before me are a bunch of cowards from all walks of life. Religious fanatics, opportunistic noblemen, and war profiteers that is what you all are! If any one of you were to be given the title King of Bohemia, you would lead these lands to ruin in a matter of years. It is becoming increasingly apparent to me the solution to this problem. Since none of you are worthy of being King, then the burden of governance must fall to me!”

After saying this speech, Berengar walked over to the bloodstained crown that lay on the floor of the Great Hall, where he picked it up and placed it on his head. After doing so, he sat down once more upon the throne and gave his command to the various men who had sacrificed everything in their brutal war, only to have the prize stolen before their very eyes.

”I Berengar von Kufstein, first of my name, and King of Austria hereby usurp the Kingdom of Bohemia for myself and my dynasty to rule in perpetuity.”

After saying this, Eckhard, who had watched the whole thing, stepped forward and stood by Berengar's right side, where he gave an order to all of the men present.

”Kneel before your new King!”

Though he disapproved of Berengar's way of handling the matter of succession, after all, he had fought and bled alongside most of the men present for the past few years, ultimately his loyalty was to Berengar, and if his King wished to usurp the Kingdom of Bohemia, then he must follow those orders.