Chapter 822: Kill in three (1/2)


Mission:- Protect the Summoner's name and fame

Description:- As a summoner, the host must protect the name of a summoner by dealing damage to the summoner's group.

'As expected.'

Ajax started with the mission he guessed, and since his guess was correct, he didn't think much about the mission as he looked at the missions from other quest tabs.

'Spirit beast quest tab.'

Next, he selected the quest tab allocated to his contracted spirit beast.


Mission name:- Help a friend.

Description:- Since the three-eyed ghost fox has lost his entire tribesmen, it generated a small flame of revenge in the depths of the three-eyed ghost fox. Help him cool down the flames of revenge by killing those responsible for the destruction of the ghost fox tribe.

'Huh? Similar mission with different words.'

Ajax read the information in front of him and thought to himself as he opened the last quest tab belonging to the elemental spirit.


Mission name:- Kill in three moves.

Description:- If the elemental spirits kill those who are related to the destruction of the ghost fox's tribe in three moves, they will gain spirit points.


Rewards list for the mission 'Kill in three moves.

For General realm beings:-

1 spirit point for killing in three moves

5 spirit points for killing in two moves.

10 spirit points for killing in one move.


For level 1-level 9 Elite general realm beings:-

11 spirit point for killing in three moves

15 spirit points for killing in two moves.

20 spirit points for killing in one move.


For level 10 Elite general realm beings:-

10 spirit point for killing in three moves

50 spirit points for killing in two moves.

100 spirit points for killing in one move.

Soon, he received the system notifications continuously without any break making his head spin a little when he saw all the system notifications.

However, he still checked all of them because the mission in the elemental spirit quest tab is so important for him that it can help me buy some good items from the 'Elemental spirit store'.

'I can buy many good things for my elemental spirits as long as I let my elemental spirits do their job.'

Ajax looked forward to waging war against the fox tribes in the western fox lands because, except for the two fox tribes, the remaining 28 tribes were responsible for the destruction of the ghost fox.

Even though the summoner's group ordered them to kill all the ghost fox's tribesmen, all the fox men belonging to these 28 tribes were excited about hunting the hidden ghost fox' tribe.

Because the summoner's group promised very generous rewards in killing the hidden tribesmen of the ghost fox tribe.

Moreover, the rewards from those killings made the 28 tribes stronger.

So, Ajax was not feeling anything when he thought about erasing the 28 tribes from the western fox lands.