107 Life Elemental spirit:-Vividus (1/2)

”If only, he was with us now it would be worth celebrating but..”, The young man on the bed suddenly started saying something, but he was interrupted by the young man before him, ”No need to worry, Elder Boron, said that he will be fine”.

”Hm, Damon, where is Hector?”, the young man asked standing from the bed. His eyes looked sharp, and his body excluded a life elemental essence of nature.

”Hector became more stubborn when he saw you complete the awakening process successfully and went to practice the techniques which Elder Boron gave us”, Damon replied pointing his finger to the outside of the simple cottage.

”Also Senior brother Jason, what is the elemental spirit you formed a contract with?”, Damon asked the young man who just stood up from the bed.

These young men are none other than Damon, Hector, and Jason who survived the massacre and later saved by the Elder Boron in the Cursed Abyss.

After saving them, they explained everything to the Elder boron about what happened in the Silver Orphanage and how they escaped.

At the end of their explanation, they cried a lot for Ajax who sacrificed himself for them to escape from the massacre.

From beginning to the end, in his explanation, Elder Boron never showed any expression on his face.

As though he didn't care about Ajax or anyone from the Silver Orphanage.

”Come on now, since Ajax saved you, when you meet him in the future, you will return him what you owe to him, Understood?”, Elder Boron expressionlessly said to them before they were knocked down by him into unconsciousness.

After they woke up, they were inside a small cottage with some projection talismans of Elder Boron.

In the Projection talisman, a projection of Elder Boron help them understand various things, techniques, and also the most important thing, about Summoners and how to form a contract with elemental spirits and all other essential things.

Everything was explained clearly in the talismans.

And just today, Jason managed to form a contract with an elemental spirit in his dream as he reached 15 years before a few months.

Just like Ajax, Jason and others looked more aged than their actual age because of the exercises and practices they did from an early age.

”Hahaha”, in response to Damon's question, Jason laughed and said in a low voice, ”Come on out Vividus”.

As soon as he said that, a green coloured orb came out from his spirit consciousness.

After coming out of his spirit consciousness, it took a humanoid shape and stood in front of him.

”Vividus is at your service, Summoning master”, the green elemental spirt which is transparent looked like a scholar with a grimoire in his hand.

”Woah, senior brother Jason, it looks like a mage, what are its Skills?”, Damon excitedly asked Jason as this was his first time seeing an Elemental spirit.

(Alright, it's not the first time, its the second time, but he didn't remember much of the events of what happened that day).

”At present, it only has one skill, Impart”, Jason explained slowly, ”Impart can help me share the knowledge of what I experienced to others that includes my understanding of the cultivation and skills”.

”What? isn't it a loss for you”, Damon asked in hurriedly.

”Not at all, it can be applicable vice-versa”, Jason replied calmly understanding the thoughts in Damon's head.

”Means?” Damon didn't understand and asked again

Jason shook his head and helped him explain, ”I can not only share my knowledge with others but can take their knowledge if others permit me”.