Chapter 191 - Lin Zhou: Er... Let Me See First?! (1/2)
”Then... we will see when she arrives here... Our plan will start from there...” Yao Ling said. Yao Ling didn't mention that it was a part of their second plan. To Xiao Fang's knowledge, this was only the beginning of their plan.
When the trio was alone, Yao Ying asked Lin Jian bluntly, ”What do you think of this matter?”
He sighed. ”I don't know what to think anymore. Xiao Fang's maid has a really crazy theory about Han Xiang... but I...” Lin Jian trailed off the last part. He was confused.
”You don't want to believe that what she said is true... don't you?” Yao Ling asked.
He nodded hesitantly. ”I'm not sure how to think about all of these,” Lin Jian said. ”After all, I always thought of her as my sister. What if...she's gone? What if... she's not what I thought of her to be?” He didn't even dare to add his last doubt --- what if she wasn't his mother's daughter at all?
Yao Ying could only give him a little advice. ”Just open your eyes and your heart. Even if she's really what you are not expected to be, you have to accept the truth. We don't even know whether Han Yi was correct or not... So far, it's just her ȧssumption, right?” He tried to cheer Lin Jian up.
They weren't stupid. They didn't want to listen to only one side of the stories. What about Han Xiang? Maybe there was a justified reason for her to suddenly change.
Lin Jian nodded. ”I know...”
Yao Ling decided to be blunt too. ”Besides, you are also not a hundred percent sure that she is your sister. I hope we can also find the truth about your mother's disappearance too...” Yao Ling said the thing that Lin Jian wanted to keep to himself, but he couldn't blame her for being blunt with her words. Even if she wasn't his sister, he would help her get out of this marriage as a part of his mission.
”Haiyah~ there are so many mysteries in this mission. This is also the first time I've encountered such a complicated problem in one go,” Lin Jian admitted. He usually didn't have any attachment to his previous missions, that's why he was able to finish those missions easily. Lin Jian could make a sound plan and judgment with a calm mind, unlike this mission.
Yao Ying laughed. ”At least, we will get a lot of experiences from this mission...”
”That's true...” Lin Jian bobbed his head up and down in agreement.
”Is there any news about Han Xiang? When will she arrive?” Yao Ling asked curiously.
”My subordinate already gave me a report. Han Xiang has been saved by the general and our subordinates already know that they are not allowed to hurt the princess, so they don't chase them and let them run away. Han Xiang's position isn't that far from here, but the general who escorts here has been badly hurt so it would take a while for them to arrive --- probably two to three days,” Lin Jian answered.
”Why do I feel that it's so easy for us to attack the entourage?” Yao Ling felt that attacking a wedding entourage of the royalty was supposed to be hard because of their powerful defense, but it didn't seem so in this case.
”It's not that it's too easy, but the Han Emperor is underestimating our kingdom and they are too confident of their own plan. Thus, they have a flaw,” Yao Ying answered Yao Ling's question.