Chapter 38 - The Fear (1/2)
As he got out from the New Moon City and headed to the mountain range, he started to accelerate, accelerate… Accelerate… Until suddenly he felt that the front wheel of the motorcycle was rising a bit, so he used his own weight on the arms to push it down.
If he wasn't a cultivator, at the current speed he was going, he would be flying in the air, away from the seat.
At least he can enjoy the ride…
[2 days later]
[F: ”Fear”]
Jasmine: Oh, we have arrived.
Jean: Yeah, thanks god we had those pills from the Xiao Sect or I would die of hunger.
Jean hopped down from the motorcycle and laid his body beside it, while looking around the scenery in front of him.
There was the wilderness stretching for hundreds of miles and he could already see a few Nascent Profound Beasts and some True Profound Beasts looking at him behind some trees.
Jasmine: Be careful, this number is not something you can beat…
This is another first time for Jasmine to see a Schrift in use, ”Fear”. The only thing that she thought about it is that it can manipulate fear, but every Schrift she saw surprised her, each one of them were at the same level of powerful legacies, and that was for the weakest Schrifts.
There were others that could even beat people like her father, or even True Gods, then there were certain ones, like ”Almighty”, that were still unknown, but the feelings that gave to her could be described only as if she met an opponent at her level using the Evil Infant's Myriad Tribulation Wheel… Oppressing, terrifying, monstrous… Despair.
And now, she will see what ”Fear” is… Jean snapped his fingers and many black thorns appeared behind him, every second, a row of 10 thorns appeared behind his back, until there were 3 rows.
Jean: You know, there are many powers that could let a simple mortal beat a God… One of them is a Heavenly Profound Treasure… Then there is Fear Inducement.
He moved a finger forward, and the first row of thorns shot out at the beasts, those thorns pierced the trees and attacked the beasts, the next second, the second row of thorns was fired while a fourth row was created, and so on.
Slowly, every beast ran away, even if none was killed, even the only Spirit Profound beast that was there whimpered in fear and ran away.
Soon, there wasn't any unharmed tree in front of him, and blood covered the grass, however, there wasn't a single body, since everyone ran away.
Jasmine: Fear… Inducement…?
Jean: The fear without reason is what is called True Fear, it's like countless insects climbing on your body and entering inside you… This is why everyone would prefer having fear for a reason, at least you have an idea to stop having fear.
Jasmine, you must remember that there is not a single Schrift that can be considered ”Weak”, the only thing that could cause them to be weak is the situation where one currently is. For example, I can't use ”Superstar” if I fight in the middle of the desert, but in a tournament, I can easily be the strongest.
Jasmine: I noticed… Every single Schrift of yours is just shocking, and there are still some that I can't understand, if you were at my hometown, you would be considered as either a threat for everyone or their most powerful ally.
Jean nodded and hopped again on the Dodge Tomahawk and started driving around the mountain to find a safe place where to rest before going to trai-
Something impacted with his Dodge Tomahawk, destroying the front and making Jean fly away from the seat, crashing towards a tree.
?: Hahaha! Nice Big Bro! That was a great throw! Now let's get the beast you killed!