17 New students (1/1)

As the weekend pass by quickly on Sunday I see that theres a new Kpop band on TV call FMT(Forever Monster Together) the members are Chul-soo (Chul) who is the energetic member, Dong-jun (Jun) the strong kind one, Hyun-Seok (Seok) the rude quiet one, Ki-tae (Taeyung) the cool calm one, Hyun-min (min) the athletic one, ”The Kpop group FMT is going to cherrysouthside high school” as I hear that I'm surprised to hear this that's my school as I look at the tv I think their pretty cute *Monday* walking to school I see Josh on the way to school so I walk up to him ”hey” ”hey Daisy” *screams* ”OMG ITS FMT” ”THEIR SOOOO CUTE” as me and Josh walk to the gates I get pulled away from Josh and embraced by Chul-Soo him saying ” ohhh your soo cute” *blush* ”aww your blushing too” ”um can you please let go of me” ”oh sorry” he let's go of me and scratches his head in embarrassment as we both look at each awkwardly when Josh pulls me away and walks to class when we each class we both sit down when the teacher walks in with the FMT members with Dario walking in and sitting next to me *whispers* ”OMG FMT is in our class” ”Their sooo cute” as I look up from my book I make eye contact with Chul we both *blush* when we saw each other I noticed that Josh and Dario didn't like that ”alright settled down now FMT can the class ask you some questions” ” yup” ”sure” ”yeah..” ”ok” ”yes” ”ok first” ”do you have girlfriends” ” no” ”no” ”no” ”no” ”no” ”next question” ”can you have a girlfriend” ”yes” ”yeah..” ”yup” ”yes” ”yeah” ” ok next” ”do you like anyone right now” ”maybe” says Chul as he winks at me ”no” ”no” ”no” ”no” ” ok that's it please that your seat on the two back row ” as FMT walks over and sit in the row in front of me with Dario and Josh still mad Dario hand moves towards my legs I jolt when I felt his hands I whisper ”what are you doing” ”teaching you a lesson” ”wait no Dario stop” I later on feel Josh's hand move on my leg and holds it I jolt and *blush* as this is happening Jun from FMT turns around to introduce himself ”hi I'm Dong-Jun you can call me Jun” ” hi I'm Daisy” as I reach out to shake his hand he grab it and kissed the back of it *blush* ”aww you really are cute hey Chul” ”yeah” as he turns around ”hi” I smile at them try not to show my embarrassment ”aww it's cute girl” I grab Josh and Dario hands and move them away ”hey you were right about her being cute” *blush* ”hey in the back stop talking” after we get In Trouble we all pay attention to class after class *yay this is my last class for today* as I think that the teacher calls me up to say ” you'll help Dario again today after school” ”ok” *ding ding* I get a text message from my dad saying ”that 5 BOYS ARE STAYING AT MY HOUSE IN THE OTHER TWO ROOMS” *after school* I walk in the classroom to see Dario still mad I sit in the desk next to Dario and begin the lesson mid way in the lesson Dario slid his hands in between mine *blush* as I try moving my hand out of his he tightened his grip as the lesson ends heading to the gates I see Josh on other way home Josh slipped his hand in mine while we were talking when I got home I opened the door and went to my room a few minutes later *ding dong ding dong* as I hear the doorbell I walk down yelling ”coming” *its probably the guys my dad was talking about* as I open the door I had widened eyes to who I see staying at my place ”Ah Jun it's cute girls house we're staying at” ” oh hi daisy” Jun says looking calmly ”hi” as I welcome them in ”Ok there is three rooms two of them have two beds and the other one is mine if there any questions you have drop by my room please and I'll help you out if I can oh and I think one of you will have to stay in my room while your staying” as I show them to their rooms Jun follows me to my room because his staying with me as we reach my room ”hey do I sleep with you or...” ”I'll sleep on the ground it's fine Jun” with a guilty expression ”are your sure you can sleep with me Daisy” *blush* ”it's fine” as I try avoiding eye contact I set up a sleeping bag as I'm setting up I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around to see who it is as I turn around I see Jun face looking worried ” are you okay” as I ask ”are you sure your okay with sleeping on the ground” ”yes it's fine” ”ok” with a worry expression as we both get ready to sleep *Tuesday* *uhhh* as I'm waking up I see I'm in my bed as I look on where I set up my sleeping bed I see that Jun is sleeping in it as I get ready for school I go to my room after breakfast to see if Jun is awake *knock knock* ”Jun it's me are you ready ” ” yeah you can come in” as I walk in ”sorry I felt bad for you sleeping on the ground so I carried you on to the bed” *blush* ”oh it's fine” as I'm walking to the front door ”I'm going to school hurry and catch up” walk to school I bump into Josh as we walk to class Dario follows then FMT as hearing the screams and yells Dario sits down and says ”its so annoying hearing all those screams” with a annoyed and bored expression ”uhh same” ”ah you guys are getting along ” as I say this they both look away in embarrassment *blush* as FMT walk in I wave but when I see Jun it makes me blush as I remember him telling me he carried me to bed *blush* ”what are you blushing about Wolfe” ”Nothing!” As I say this Josh laughs ”she lying” ”no I'm not!” ”Yeah u r” ”hm” as I angry look away ”hey cute girl!!” ”Umm u don't need to call me that Chul” ”then what should I call you Pretty girl, Girlfriend, adorable girl so which ones” ”umm... Daisy is fine” ”that's cute I like it” *blush* ”Your soo cute” as Chul stares at me happily ”come on Chul pay attention to class” ”but Jun she sooooooo cute” as he grabs my face and holds it ”hey Chul shut it” ”aing over* *WAIT no* ”oh no” ”what” ”he coming over!” *knock knock* as I hear the front door I run out of the room with Jun still in there shocked ”don't open it ” as I tell this when min is about to open the door as I run down the stairs as I fall down the stairs ”owww” as I pick myself back up and walk towards the door I open the door and walk out and close the door behind me ”why you close the door” as I hesitate ”n..no reason ok you came over you can leave now” as I start pushing him away but he moves to side and as I'm about to fall *oh no I'm about to fall* as I'm prepared for a impact open my eyes to see Dario's face in front of mine ”are you okay” *blush* ”yes” as I struggle to get away ”hey stop struggling” ”waaa” *BOOM* ”uhhh” as open my eyes I see I'm sitting ON TOP OF DARIO (Dario's POV)*uhhh what happened* I open my eyes *BLUSH* *why is she on top of me * as I look down at Dario with my hand on my head ”are you okay” ”yeah I'm fine” as I try to get up I see that Dario grab my hand and stopped me from getting back up instead he pulled me back down as I fall back down I see I'm back in the same position that I was when we fell *blush* ”what was that for” ”because I want you” *blush* ”.....” ”hey” as he sits up *uhh I forgot I'm on his lap* ”hey can we go inside” ”uh n..no” ”why” ”cause ... *whisper* FMT is staying at my house” ”what ” ”FMT is staying at my house” ”what” ”FMT IS STAYING AT MY HOUSE!” ”WHAT” ”...” ”if there's five members and u have three room u sleep in one there's two bed in the other THEN THERE ONE SLEEPING IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU” ”n..n..no ” ”why r u hesitating” ”I'm not!” As I stand up and start walking away but I hear running footsteps running towards me