Chapter 51 - Second day of travel. (1/2)

After I sleep I don't remember anything anymore, the only thing I remember is that cute, sweet feeling I was feeling as I was falling asleep, I thank them for letting me sleep like that.

I woke up two times in the night because they had to change the person who would be outside the guard, but soon after I went back to sleep, they were cautious not to wake me up. They are lovely women.

They are the kind of people that look bad, and their clothes make their a little scary, but once you know their personalities better, you realize that she is a great person, all 3 was that way.

From the beginning, I already sympathized with Eleonor and Clevina as they were in the back of Cibely making a joke. The only one that scared me was Cibely. Still, she is the most lovable of all, and this proves that I shouldn't judge people for their appearance.

But leaving that aside, it was time to wake up. It seems that don't have any attacks at night, and it was a quiet night.

I'm grateful for that since I didn't want the girls to get hurt.

Well, if they got hurt I could cure them as I did with Emily's mother, but it's not okay if they die instantly there was no way to bring them back to life, I think even in this world it's not possible to bring the dead back to life.

When we woke up, we got out of the carriage and ate some fruits that were inside my storage, which again was the Cibely who gave me to keep.

I don't know what we would do with breakfast from now on since there was no place to pick fruit around here. I wouldn't want to go inside a forest to look for fruit or something.

They had no bread, so the only thing we could eat was meat, meat for breakfast and the rest of the day, I think by the time I get to that city I'll be sick of meat already, this will be uncomfortable.

After we had finished breakfast, we climbed into the carriage and continued our journey as before, again I sat on Cibely's side, and Eleonor and Clevina sat on the other side of the carriage, and again began that awkward silence.

”Are there board games in Grenrok?” I decided to ask if there were games only in that city because if there is not in that city, they can at least know the board games, but if they have never heard of it, I can bring these games to this world.

”Ah, yes, but there are only chess, you know?” Cibely said something interesting to me, does it seem that in the city of Grenrok there is only chess, or is there chess only all over the world? It needs to be more specific.

”Are there any other board games besides this?” I asked a more specific question this time to try to find out all about the board game culture in this world.

”Not that I know of, do you know of any other games?” Cibely asked as she looked at Eleonor de Clevina. When she asked them, them both denied, it seems that neither of them saw any other board games than chess.