Chapter 40 - ?Fire And The Flames!!? (1/2)

Jennifer Pov

Today was supposed to be my chance to get closer to Theo. I had even asked permission from Sonya and Charlotte as I don't want to hurt them. They were surprisingly supportive and told me to be confident and persistent

It was supposed to be an easy arrangement I mean I got his girlfriends to agree which should be the hardest part but then when it came to asking him out. I was so vague about what I was asking for that he wanted to take me monster hunting.

I know I'm kind of a tomboy and love a good fight or two but as a woman, I still want a romantic date, not monster hunting. I did attempt to say something but the look on his face was clearly excitement and I didn't wanna take that away from him.

He even gave me a few things to protect myself with, which kinda touched my heart as I am the She-Hulk. I got changed and ready for my adventure. As I come out I see Theo already changed into his white suit, red scarf and white.

Although Theo is incredibly handsome already but this version of him is on a whole other level. If he is ever forced to fight women I think they'll just submit the moment they see him.

”You ready,” Said, Theo while nodding at me

”Yeah but where. . .” I didn't get to finish as felt my surroundings get distorted

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The moment I was teleported my body was crushed to the floor by an immense pressure that weighed down on me. I quickly turned into my She-Hulk form and stand my ground.

*Sigh* ”Where are we, which country is this,” I said confusedly

The floor was partially lava and black jagged rocks, the lava was constantly moving with no real direction. The mountains and towering hills were also black with lava flowing down. Every now and then a random flame would ignite on the surface with no prior warning.

The sky was not blue nor was it the charming shades of red, none of that could resemble earth. Although it was dark there was no stars or moons to look up to, no just the endless black sky and whisks of flame that roamed the dark sky freely.

I took off my mask to see what the atmosphere is like and immediately regretted it. The air was humid with a thick smell of something constantly burning. The air was so hot that my mouth instantly went dry. I couldn't feel the heat before because even though my legs, arms, cleavage and face looks exposed it's not.

The suit and mask have a thin layer of what I presume to be some sort of paint like clothing that blends into the skin tone and ventilates the suit to be perfect for all scenarios. So when I took off the mask I was not only able to smell the air but my face was also able to feel the scorching heat.

In the distance, I could hear multiple rough scratching roars that caused my hairs to stand up. I shivered when I saw a pair of flame-like eyes light up from a dark corner, then numerous other eyes lit up with a vicious roar following.

”You good, Jennifer?” Said a voice from behind me

”Where the fuċk are we Theo, did the world end is this judgement day which religion was, right? Or was it Omega level mutant that went berserk?” I rambled out of true fear

”Calm down, this isn't earth,” Said Theo casually

”Oh My God, we're in hell” I jumped to a horrid conclusion

”We're not in hell, this is Muspelheim. Where the fire giant Surtur resides and rules over the other fire demons” Said Theo looking around

”Where exactly is Muspel-ham?” I ask

”Well I'm not exactly sure, What I do know is that we are in separate Galaxy that is connected to 8 other planets that are within their own galaxy's. Well all of them together is known as the 9 realms. That's all you need to know for now but you don't need to worry they can't much of a threat to me. You can tell Fury about this but it won't mean much” Said Theo vaguely as if hiding something to

It was quite, kinda awkward as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. it's my duty to report such events but it kinder feels like he doesn't trust me and that hurts.

'Even when I'm not working its annoying me' I thought

*Cough* ”Well I bought us here to have some fun. The monsters here come in different shapes and sizes but most of them have the same build as humans with two arms and two legs. They are called Fire Demons, they possess superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes that make Captain America look like a regular soldier. One thing to keep in mind is that they lack combat knowledge so treat them like overpowered zombies. Although they lack in combat capability they make up for it with their numbers. If it gets too much use the Bo staff but I'm sure you can deal with it, ah here they come” Said Theo

*Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud*


From the front, I see a swarm of black rock-like creatures that had cracks filled with fire and lava. No face to look but just as Theo said most of them walk on two feet and have two arms. Within this swarm, we're some four-legged rock creatures that supported their oversized bodies with heads resembling a crocodile.

In the sky, I see a few black dots that slowly came into view ”Holly Shit, a dragon. Hey, Theo do you think I can ride it?”

”Huh, you can try but you gotta know that they are literally made of jagged rocks and fire so it won't be very comfortable. . . .” His eyes look down towards my ȧss and continued ”On second thought you're pretty well cushioned,” he said with a teasing smile

I could feel my face turned red even though I'm currently green. My She-Hulk is not only muscular but it also fills out my other features. Most people get an intimidated by my muscle even though they are modest but then again even in my normal form I've stacked pretty decently.

'Think of a compliment, just say. . . ' my eyes pan across his body before stopping on his crotch 'Charlotte did say that he's got a big package, how big is it, No! just say he's handsome'

”Umm Thanks. Y- your not too shabby your self” after those cursed words escaped my mouth I immediately felt the need to just jump in the nearest pool of lava and just die.

He then jumped into the air and axe kicked the nearest dragon's snout causing it to nosedive to the army below. His figure was jumping around from one dragon to the other making small work. I shake my embarrassment off and quickly join the fun by sprinting towards the army.

Normally I would jump to cover ground faster just like my cousin but due to the eminence gravity being way stronger than the earth I'm unable to gain enough height or distance.