Chapter 18 - Shocking News (1/2)

”I want to know, who exactly are you. You said we don't know everything but if someone we don't have info on, knows about us then. . . ” Said, Nick

I cut him off with condescending tone ”Then, what? pose a threat? I know you guys protect the world and all but your way of thinking is problematic. But I'll answer your question just to shut you up. I'm Theodore Hunt, 23 years old just trying to run a small shop and make my daughter happy. I'll make this clear, I don't care for your status just do your job and leave my family out of it. I have no reason to be a threat but if you trouble my family then I'll become a threat”

”Fine but I want to know why Ivan Vanko will be a problem,” Asked Nick

”Stop with the mind games. We both know that Ivan Vanko is the son of Anton Vanko. The same guy that helped Howard Starks in designing the arc reactor. The reason he's going to be a problem is that his dad just died and he's gonna come for revenge” I said

Nick nodded and said ”Hmm true Tony flaunts his arc reactor to much. He most likely wants his father to be recognised”

'Nope, his father abused him with his hatred for the Stark family and of course, the alcohol helped too. He slowly adopted the same hate for the Stark family. In the end, his father's death pushed him over the edge. Hmm should I warn him about a few other things'

”Sonya where's Tony Stark right now,” I ask out loud so that Fury here's me.

The T.V turned on to show an Image of Tony getting off his private plane ”He's just got off in Monaco”

”Check on Ivan Vanko,” I said

”Yep he's also in Monaco,” Said Sonya showing an image of Ivan crossing the street.

”Looks like you guys are too late,” I said with a lazy sigh

Natasha, Jennifer and Nick just stared at the screen realising that they fuċkėd up.

Then Nick asked, ”Who is Sonya?”

I was beginning to get overly annoyed ”Why are you asking meaningless questions you should go and get that crazy scientist”

Seeing him not do anything I continue ”Fine, I'll do it myself. Sonya can you do a search for any S.H.I.E.L.D agents within the area,”

”There are 50 shield agents nearby,” Sonya said

”Good, can you inform the ones that aren't Hydra to watch over Tony. Make sure that they don't get too involved” I said emphasising Hydra

”Hmm that makes only 20 of them, I'll also tell them not to inform the others,” Said, Sonya

”Thanks, Sonya,” I said

Before I did think that having Ivan dealt with was a smart move but I realise that Tony needs this to become just a tad bit mȧturė and cause its scenario like this that makes him be one of the best heroes of Marvel. The reason for wanting to make Hydra's intrusion be known is to just give Furry the heads up but also see his reaction to knowing that he's never had control.

The other reason is that the sooner they know the more prepared they'll be to handle it. This also means that I don't have to help and just spend some quality time with Rose.

”What was that about Hydra!” Furry stood up from his seat.

Natasha and Jennifer were also shocked by this as they stopped eating and perked their ears to listen.

”I'm actually surprised that you never noticed. I went through a few mission reports of your agents work in uprooting Hydra's bases and found that you always turn up with a very little gain. It's almost like it was set up that way. You should really be more self-aware. Don't worry those two aren't Hydra, so you can trust them” I said lazily while pointing to Natasha and Jennifer

I wasn't lying I did some light digging within S.H.I.E.L.D's network and found a consistent pattern. Although I already knew about it from the movie but seeing proof before it comes to light, was pretty exciting.

”When!?” Said Furry in a calm yet cold tone

”Does it really matter? Well, I think that's enough for the day. Word of advice just stick to your plans for Avengers after you get the team then you can begin clearing them out ” I said with a smile

”How much of what you said was true,” Asked Natasha before sipping her tea.

”All of it. Why would I need to lie” I said with a smug smile

”Honestly Where do you get the confidence to piss off S.H.I.E.L.D,” Asked Jennifer curiously

I reply with a smile ”You know I don't just have the information I also have the. . . .”

”Its strength right. You have the strength to be a threat. I'm not sure how strong but since our first meeting I've felt some form of danger around you” Said Natasha with interest