Chapter 6 - 6 A Nuisance (1/2)

Still Theodore's Pov

”Daddy are we there yet” Asked Rose who had her eyes covered by my big hand.

”Just a little more” I say happily before stopping in front of the shop.

Charlotte and Chloe we're looking at the shop with awe as they genuinely thought it looked amazing.

With my hand still covering her eyes, I ask ”Okay we're here, are you excited?”

”Hurry daddy I want to see” Rose answered while her little body wiggled and struggled out of my hold.

I then take my hand off to see her face beaming with joy. Her hazelnut brown eyes widened then two cute dimples appeared on the side of her lips as she gave a bright smile.

As I look at her reaction I thought to myself 'It's this smile that made me want to be such a good father, and I'll destroy every fuċker who tries to take it away'

I hadn't noticed but I unconsciously used a bit of strength in my legs causing the pavement under me to crack. Thankfully no one noticed it as it was an only small crack.

”Wow hey daddy is that my name” Said Rose as looked up and pointed at the sign above.

”Yep, it says Rose's Palace do you like it” I said

She kissed me on the cheek and giggled ”I love it, daddy is the best hehe”

Then I push open the door and look back at the awestruck Charlotte and Chloe with a warm smile ”Welcome to Rose's Palace home to a beautiful princess and an amazing chef”

'And the perfect husband' Charlotte thought privately

As we stepped in, I put Rose down and let her blond head whip around in excitement as her eyes explored the new building that she would call home.

Chloe was also put down and joined Rose in looking around. I let them do a scan with their eyes before wanting to show Rose her room but I was interrupted.

”Are we opening a shop!” Asked the excited Rose

”Yep, and that corner is just for you” I said while pointing to the dining sofa and table combo with a flat screen T.V on the wall.

”Wow, Daddy really is the best” She while nodding her head.

Chloe looked at Rose with envy before looking at the floor sadly. Seeing her like that made me want to comfort her.

”And your friends, like Chloe” I said While putting my hand on head and rubbing it softly. She looked up at me with a sad smile.

I realise she's not jealous of Rose having her own spot, she's jealous because Ross has a father. Not just a father but a good loving father. From the look in this girls eyes, I could see she was hurt badly by the one she once called dad.

'Who the fuċk is the father that could lead this girl to have such a pained look' I thought

Charlotte came to the rescue and picked her up while also hugging her tightly