Chapter 344 (2/2)

After a long ideological struggle, an shengxia pinches her mobile phone and goes to a hotel according to the address on the message.

With only one ID card, an shengxia can take the elevator and go upstairs.

When she swipes her card and opens the door, the man only wears a bath towel and knows that she will come.

”Don't let me in?” Standing outside the door all the time, Ansheng Xiasheng is afraid of being seen.

”I knew you would come.” Turn around, Quan Yao is a gentleman.

An shengxia, like an affair, ran in carefully, then stood dryly, and began to look at the president's room first.

”How often do you come here?” An Sheng Xia frowned and asked.

”Not really.” Quan Yao shakes his head, as if explaining, ”only occasionally, when working overtime.”

”Oh.” ”I don't want to know anything,” whispered an shengxia

”Oh, you women...” Quan Yao's words stopped abruptly, but he stretched out his hand to hold the woman's shoulder, then pressed tightly on the cold wall, and bowed his head to kiss madly.

All the breath of the body is taken away, and an shengxia is forced to raise his head to meet his madness.

”Wait, wait...”

”You're all here, haven't you thought about it clearly? What are you waiting for?” Do you really think he is Liu Xiahui?

”I just think it's too fast.” At this time, an shengxia shrinks. She is Xiuhe's wife in name.

”No, it's already slow.” If change into before, he does not have this patience at all, consume slowly with her.

”You should know what I need...” Quan Yao said with dignity and confidence as a man.

An shengxia can't help but think, how did he come over these two years?

”Don't think about it either.” Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows, ”although I have needs, I don't feel sentimental. I only touch my own women.”

In other words, he saw her as his own.

Meanwhile, the man's cell phone rings.

It should be about work.

As soon as the man reached out and held an shengxia to prevent her from running away, he held the mobile phone, but he had no patience. ”Now I don't have time to talk about this. You can call me later. I'm very busy, and don't ask me what I'm busy with. OK, that's it.”

Always gentle men, not only no patience, but also feel thirsty, eyes inadvertently glanced at an shengxia's mouth, the man's eyes, gradually dark down.

But unexpectedly, another phone rings.

”It's me, Quan Yao.” The man closed his eyes, this time more irritable, coldly satirized each other, ”go to what bar, no, I have a woman here now.”

Because it's a little close, an shengxia can hear each other's voice. It's very cold at night.

Right Yao immediately cut off the call, and then looked back at an shengxia, ”Bo Shao called, asked me to drink.”

An Sheng Xia suddenly stares big eyes, thin night cold is too not a thing, isn't he living with Miao Miao?

I still want to go to the bar.

Suddenly, the man did not like, anshengxia slightly frown.

”Would you like to take a bath?” Quan Yao's whole mind became hot.

No matter how rational a man is, in the face of a woman he wants to conquer, he will become hot headed and impulsive.

It's just like right now, Quan Yao suddenly reaches out his hand to hold the woman's shoulder and takes it to the big double bed.

”Anshengxia, give it to me.”