Chapter 37 - War Begins (1/2)

Glaze was sitting in his room on his desk, the war had begun in Rizvaria as the two armies clashed, the invading army was 20 times larger than his but the individual strength of their soldiers were a lot weaker.

”Master, you called?” said Erebi as she came in front of him out of thin air.

She had leveled up to Level 25 as he had given her the highest available ȧssassination magic that the system had which was sadly only until the Master Stage but he had no doubt this talented girl in front of him would surpass that with her power.

As she stood there it felt like she existed and did not exist at the same time even for someone as strong as Glaze.

”I want you to infiltrate Gazia, the Capital of Artanza with Athena, you will be carrying out several ȧssassinations of key political figures in the country and work with Celeste to bring down Artanza from the inside while the Army fights them from the outside,” he said as he handed her the details.

”As you wish, Master,” said she as she bowed and vanished.

As he had expected, Artanza had attacked Rizvaria, the five rivers connected to the city were blockaded outside it as the battle took place outside the city so the citizens were not harmed.

Artanza had a huge numerical advantage and that carried over in their Navy, he had not seen as much naval force as he expected in Artanza and thus predicted they might strike Arafina, the port city at the southern tip of the Kingdom.

”You want to go don't you?” asked Charlotte as she sat by the side.

She had leveled up to 38 already, the speed terrified even Glaze as he looked at his wife improving so quickly after receiving the Holy Flame Magic.

”I can't just stay here in the Capital when my soldiers are out there fighting,” said Glaze as he sighed. He realized as a King he did not have to be on the frontline all the time but staying in one place was agonizing.

”Fufu, I will hold the fort here, leave the capital to me,” said Charlotte as she smiled at her husband acting like this.

”Are you sure?” he asked.

”I am the Queen, I'll burn anyone who steps in here,” she said with a smile as her hands sparkled with flames.

”I'll leave it in your hands then, I'll go over to Arafina then after the situation at Rizvaria is resolved I'll strike the Capital Gazia,” he said as he hugged his wife and kissed her.

”Take care of yourself,” he said as he flew off towards the South.

”You too,” she said as she sighed seeing her love go away. She wished she could just keep him to herself not putting him in any danger but she knew her husband would never like such a life.

”I won't let anything get between us,” said she with determination as her eyes burned with pitch-black flames.


Julie was on the battlefield in Rizvaria with her 5 subordinates.

”Little girls like you shouldn't be on the battlefield,” said a huge soldier from the Artanza Army as swung down his huge axe towards her.

Her hands charged with magic as the winds slashed the burly man

”AAARGH, DAMN YOU,” said the huge guy as he fell down,

Julie was covered in blood, fighting through this horde of enemies, she knew the enemy's number was 20x of their army but actually fighting them made her realize the strength of sheer numbers.

She was killing soldiers left and right but it seemed like there was no end to them.

”Lieutenant, where to now?” asked a female soldier around her who was also covered in blood.

”Keep aiming towards the enemy Captain,” she said as she gritted her teeth and burst forward.

The battlefield was a mess as the armies fought on land and in the rivers against the invading navy.

She had formed a triangular formation that pierced through the battlefield with her subordinates as they were like reapers of death causing bloodbath wherever they went.


Supreme Commander Natalia Phoenix was keeping the Enemy Commander Rick Sullivan in check as they fought above the sky making exchanges but had not yet started to fight seriously as they let the armies whittle down below.

She rained down spears made from Holy Aqua Magic on the invading army as the Enemy Commander who was a Level 32 Master Stage while she was Level 34.

She had taken the initiative on attacking and put the invading army on defense.