Chapter 32 - M.D.B 32: Leave us in Peace (2/2)

Coulson took a sip of cold air and said incredulously: ”So you mean by saying that these are only the basics? You mean that in Kame School, your level is at the bottom?”

”Yes.” Saint looked at Coulson as if saying 'Duh!' and said: ”I'm only 19, obviously the least trained of the Kame School disciples, so that's a given!”


Coulson stared at Saint silently for a while, and finally couldn't judge whether or not he was lying. He had to stop asking questions and process all this new information.

Since he met Danny Rand, Saint was fabricating this detailed consistent story about the Kame Sennin and Kame School. With the experience he had gathered lying, he almost started believing his own fabrications. It became easy for him to deceive others. Poor Coulson arrived late, and found himself facing precise answers that were being said without hesitation.

He wasn't thinking about verification any more. He had gathered enough information, and hurriedly left. After telling the two stalking agents to leave, he found himself wondering on the reason for all this rush in the middle of the night.

By then, it was already a little over 1 am. After Coulson left, Saint was about to go back to his room to sleep. When he went to the second floor, he found two green eyes staring at him, more stunned than ever. He asked: ”Why haven't you slept yet?”

Hearing Saint's question, Lorna couldn't help but turn a blind eye to his careless behavior and ask calmly: ”Agents of SHIELD are at the door. How could I sleep?”

”Don't worry. Right now, they are afraid, so they really will leave us in peace.”

Saint yawned, and walked by Lorna to his room: ”Go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow.”


Lorna grabbed Saint's clothes not willing to let him go: ”Boss, are you sure they don't doubt my identity?”

”Yes, they definitely won't.” Saint turned around, saying impatiently: ”You heard Coulson say that you are not an ordinary person before. That was mainly because of what happened in the Dojo. But now, their attention had shifted, and none of them is caring about small fry anymore.”

Lorna puffed with dissatisfaction and said: ”How could you say that? I'm small fry?”


Saint looked at her, and then said: ”Do you want to be noticed, or fly under the radar? The big shot is the one being watched here. Aren't you satisfied?”

”Boss, you're being monitored by SHIELD?”

”That's right. I'm the big shot.”
