Chapter 1 - Waking Up with a Stranger (1/1)

Golden rays of sunlight washed into the bedroom, shafts from the huge windows spilling over the two occupants sleeping on a king-size bed. The woman ġrȯȧnėd and shifted on the bed. Her long tresses tickled her bȧrė skin. Her hands splayed on a torso of a man as she slept soundly, her nȧkėd body pressed against him.

She slowly woke up, wondering why was her pillow too warm to touch. The woman mȯȧnėd softly, and her brows twitched as the sunlight hit her face, making her aware that it was already morning.

Luna Jiang just wanted to spend most of her days in her bed. Most of her nights passed by with her working on the advertisement for the newest phone that their company launched yesterday. Good thing it was already Saturday, and she didn't have to do anything for today.

Her hand unconsciously gripped the nearest pillow to her body, but she was surprised when she felt nȧkėd skin beneath her fingers. She opened her eyes in confusion and propped an elbow to lift her torso from the bed. Her gaze landed on a man smiling down on her, and she jolted up from her lying position while clutching the sheets to her ċhėst, covering her brėȧst from his sight.

”Where am I? This isn't my place!” Luna Jiang blurted out.

Her eyes looked around, seeing she was in an unfamiliar room. From the looks of it, it seemed she was in a hotel. She looked down on her body and noticed the darkening hickeys on her ċhėst and that she was in her birthday suit. Her clothes littered the floor beside the bed.

”Oh, God … no … what did I do?” she murmured to herself. It finally dawned to her what had taken place apparently.

”You seemed surprised.” A cold and stoic voice of a man startled her. She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard his voice. She couldn't believe the situation she found herself in. Her heart skipped a beat.

Luna met his eyes that were intently focused on her face.

”Holy sh*t!” she berated herself. Did she just sleep with a stranger last night? She remembered going out to a bar with her office mates and had a lot to drink. She couldn't remember anything after the party and how she ended up with this man in the hotel room.

Hero Li never had a bedmate ever since his wife died five years ago. He watched how this woman slept peacefully beside him earlier, unaware of his gaze on her pretty face. He didn't care that he had no idea who was this angel who shared a blissful night with him.

He had seen her before. She was from the Marketing Department and part of the team who celebrated the success of the launching of one of their newest products. Everyone decided to party with drinks last night. It was already late when the party ended, and he was left with a drunk woman to spend the night with.

He had waited for almost an hour, wondering what would she look like when she was awake. Now he knew: her hazel eyes complimented her pale and smooth complexion, and brown locks were tousled nicely on the pillows.

Relationships weren't his thing, and he was too busy running his company; he bȧrėly had time to date anyone. So it was a surprise to him that he allowed himself to have a hot and steamy one-night stand with his employee. She was the prettiest person he had woken up with.

”Good morning,” he grinned mischievously. Yes, it was indeed a great morning for him.