Chapter 183 - #182 Crazy Night (18+) 2/2 (2/2)
”Hm? No foreplay or anything like that tonight?” Akashi asked with a surprised expression when Taeko put both of her hands on his shoulders, facing him.
”I heard every one of her mȯȧns...but while I was feeling irritated by it, it also somehow made me all wet. You better take care of that.” Taeko said and without waiting for his answer, she shoved his shaft inside her.
”Whoa, that's kind of ŀėwd for you to say that...but I guess your body doesn't lie.” Akashi said when he easily slipped inside without any foreplay.
”I think you are the one strange for questioning my ŀėwd talk while having your stick inside me. Mm~” Taeko replied playfully and started moving up and down, picking up the pace.
While Taeko was the one setting up the pace, Akashi started helping her by playing with her brėȧsts and sėnsɨtɨvė nɨppŀės.
”I-I am close~” Taeko muttered with a ŀėwd tone.
”Me, too” Akashi said and when Taeko reached her climax in the next few seconds, he put his hands on her hɨps and pushed her down, making her take the entire length inside.
”Akashi?” Taeko asked with a weak voice and satisfied expression after having her own ȯrġȧsm. She was slightly surprised by his actions since he always finished outside.
”I haven't finished inside anyone yet, do you want to try it...?” Akashi asked while holding back finishing inside her with all his might.
”You mean...trying to ɨmprėġnȧtė me?” Taeko muttered with a dumbfounded expression before forming a happy smile and sealing his lips with hers.
This was enough of an answer for Akashi as he stopped holding back and exploded right inside her.
Akashi released a low groan while Taeko squealed in surprise but that quickly turned into a mȯȧn when she felt Akashi's cream filling her.
”I-” Taeko was hesitating to say something with an extremely satisfied and happy expression while looking into Akashi's eyes.
Seeing her hesitation, Akashi just pulled her head closer and deeply kissed her.
None of them wanted to move, they just felt like melting together however that changed when Esdeath came back with a refreshed expression.
”Enjoying yourselves?” She asked with her hands resting on her hɨps while looking down at two of them but when she saw something white dripping down from under Taeko with Akashi still being inside her, she frowned down.
'He hasn't finished even once inside me!' Esdeath thought with a dissatisfied expression.
”Well, you already had your fun, haven't you?” Akashi asked with a teasing smile.
”Not enough” She said with intention of making Akashi finish inside her but although she recovered some of her stamina, it would still be harmful to have a rough session of sėx again and Akashi was aware of that fact too.
”Then come here, I will satisfy you and you can even relax meanwhile.” Akashi said and lied down on the bed while pulling Esdeath to the bed by her hand.
”...What should I do?” She asked while glancing at Taeko who was still sitting on Akashi's stick and a slightly awkward atmosphere began forming itself inside the room.
”Sit on me.” Akashi said while pointing at his face with a smirk.
”What?” Esdeath exclaimed with a surprised expression.
”Just do it and you will see...” Akashi said and guided her to sit on his face while also facing Taeko which she didn't like so much however when Akashi started to swirl his tongue inside her and folding her brėȧsts, she completely forgot any dissatisfaction about Taeko's presence.
And thus it became a threesome.
Taeko and Esdeath kept looking at each other, not like they had any other choice but amidst of wild sėx, lost in pŀėȧsurė both of them suddenly leaned forward and kissed each other with closed eyes before widely opening them in shock while still having their lips kissing each other, they quickly recovered and moved back with embarrassed and uncertain expressions. It was unknown whether they liked it but it was visible that none of them were completely comfortable with it, at least now.
Akashi also sensed the change in the atmosphere so he started moving his hɨps up and down while picking up the pace with his tongue, completely surprising girls.
”MMMm~” Both of them mȯȧnėd aloud, forgetting what just happened between them.
And like this, the rest of the night continued for a long while.