Chapter 164 - #163 Agreement (2/2)
Akashi went to his father's study and explained what happened and that he was starting to realize his plans to take over the Capital.
”Already? Aren't you a bit impatient, son?” Jun asked with a serious expression.
”I am prepared but don't worry, there are still a lot of things that need to be done. I am not saying that tomorrow I will attack the Palace although neither am I saying that I can't.” Akashi reassured him with a smile.
”If you think that you are prepared then here is something you should see.” Jun said as he gave his son stack of papers.
”What's this?” Akashi asked before looking since his father had a proud look in his face.
”Did you think that you were the only one working?” Jun asked with a smirk which made Akashi finally look into the papers.
”?! This...” As he read further, his eyes widened in surprise along, however, that quickly disappeared and instead a wide smile remained.
”The first time I have heard about the Emperor's death I was already very skeptical about it so I began working on gathering all kinds of clues about his death. These are all evidence that he was murdered and not just anyone could murder the Emperor while making it look like an accident or death from the illness. As if it wasn't enough, soon after his death, his wife committed ”suicide”, very convincing indeed, just this fact made me at that time work even more diligently on the case. What woman would commit suicide when she has a small child to care about? I would have understood it if she was left alone but this didn't make any sense to me.” Jun explained with a proud smile while crossing his legs.
”Who would have thought-” Akashi began to say but he was interrupted.
”-that I would be able to gather all of this? Remember...we want to take over the Capital with as small bloodshed as possible. Great General Budo is extremely loyal to the emperor but he is completely clueless about the death of the previous emperor which doesn't make him a bad person, he only listens to orders. Although I am quite positive that he suspects it. Anyway, you have there also information about other important people who needs to disappear before starting your plan.” Jun said with a playful smile before his expression turned to a serious one.
”Nice, this will make everything easier. I can just send this information to Oarburgh and they can start with what they are best at.” Akashi said with a smirk.
”Oarburgh...Now that you mention it, I have yet to see that girl, what was her name...Taeko, right?” Jun said with a teasing smile.
”Yeah, I haven't seen her for a long time...I just want to get this done and finally marry her.” Akashi replied with a tired expression.
”Not so fast, she will need to gain my and your mother's permission first!” Jun said with a big smile which showed that he was just joking.
”Isn't that usually the other way around?” Akashi muttered with a blank expression.
After their talk was over, Akashi excused himself and went outside of the Capital once again.
Under the moonlight, suddenly a Griffin-like Danger Beast came out of Akashi's shadow.
”Kiyomi, I have a task for you. Do you still remember the location where we stopped right after I helped you?” Akashi asked.
*Chirp* *Chirp* Kiyomi hurriedly nodded her head numerous times while releasing a chirping sounds.
” I need you to take these papers there and give them to that black-haired woman who was usually training with me.” Akashi said while fastening those papers to Kiyomi with the help of a leather belt.
*Chirp?* *Chirp?* Kiyomi tilted her head to the side.
”...Yes, that woman whose scent was on me all those days of staying there.” Akashi replied with a slightly awkward expression since he had no idea Kiyomi was paying attention to these things.