Chapter 159 - #158 Insane person (2/2)

”At ease, guys. What's the matter? What's the catch that you have problem telling me?” Akashi asked with a raised eyebrow when he noticed a few bags lying on the ground behind Kurome and guards.

”I would like to ask you to remain calm after seeing what I am about to show you.” Kurome said while looking down since she knew how much Akashi treasured his people, especially those who were among the first ones to join his organization, he even knew more than 100 faces and names of them.

Hearing this, Akashi narrowed his eyes.

”I can't promise anything but I am not someone who acts just based on my emotions, you should know that.” Akashi said, making the guards standing by gulp down in a nervous manner.

Kurome sighed and nodded her head towards the guards and they took one bag and opened it for Akashi's eyes.

”?!” 4 heads of his guards were inside the bag. Akashi expression didn't experience any sudden change but it gradually grew gloomier and colder.

There was dead silence and only thing that could be heard was the heartbeat of nervous guards that were holding the bag in front of Akashi.

”Akashi Nii-” Kurome wanted to say something but she was quickly interrupted.

”Who is the culprit? Who dares to kill my people?” Akashi asked with a face that Kurome saw only very rarely and she immediately knew that the one who did it won't be able to run away even if he hid on the opposite side of the planet. She already saw similar face when Akame tried to kidnap her but at that time, he was aware that she didn't mean any harm to Kurome and that Akame and Kurome are sisters which also helped Akame in preserving her life, however, now that he had 4 heads of his loyal guards in front of him, it was a completely different matter.

”W-We still don't know, there were no culprits but there are some rumors about people seeing a weird robust man walking down the streets at night.” One of the guards answered in Kurome's stead but his voice was still shaking.

”I see, stop the night patrols for now but I will try to find a solution before tonight, however, I can't promise anything so tell others to stop night patrols until further notice.” Akashi said to the guard and turned around to leave but he stopped after a few steps.

”Bury those 4 and send compensation to their families, you can speak to Aiko about the compensation matter.” Akashi said without turning at them before he resumed walking towards the mansion once again.

”Akashi Nii-sama...” Kurome muttered while looking worriedly at Akashi's distancing back

”...You heard him, inform their families, and help bury them. I will take care of the compensation matter.” Kurome ordered to other guards still standing nearby.

”Y-Yes!” They saluted in unison and then hurriedly tried to walk away just to be stopped by Kurome before they could leave.

”Don't stop all night patrols, organize one group of 2 people, and inform me who it are they before they will go out at night.” Kurome said.

”Huh? B-But...” One of the guards wanted to say that Akashi said otherwise but he was interrupted before he could finish.

”I will take full responsibility for those 2 and for disobeying orders so do as I tell you.” Kurome said sternly and the guards could only nod their heads since Kurome was something like Akashi's hand and if she said that she is going to take full responsibility, they didn't have much choice but follow her orders.

Once Akashi arrived at his study, he was immediately confronted by Poney lying on the sofa. However, when she noticed his expression, her playful side instantly disappeared and was replaced by serious expression as she stood up from the sofa.

”What happened?” She asked with a nervous tone.

Akashi proceeded to explain the situation.

”Who would dare to do anything in your territory? Even nobles don't dare to act arrogant here, that person can't be sane...” Poney said with a surprised expression.

”What I found very disturbing is that their bodies had no wounds except for their severed heads and even that cut was completely clean as if that person who did it, was doing it his entire life. And I also agree with your statement, no normal person would dare to do something like that in my territory.” Akashi said while sitting down and looking for something in the drawers of the table.

”There was no do you want to catch the culprit? What about the other people doing night patrols?” Poney asked with a serious expression.

”My guards aren't by any means weak, no normal criminal could bring down 4 of them while cleanly beheading all of them without causing any other wounds, not even from the surprise attack. I already ordered one of the maids to bring me records of all strong people who defected the Empire and also who weren't exactly right in their heads. As for the night patrols...I stopped them for now, maybe I will try to lure him out by pretending to be a guard, I will see after reading through the old records” Akashi replied with already stoic expression but his eyes that usually had radiate red color were replaced by a completely dull and cold red color.

”You are relatively calm about all of this...” Poney muttered with an uncertain expression, she hasn't known Akashi for a long time so it was understandable that she couldn't see through his stoic expression.

”Not at all, right now, I would like to go outside, fly up and hover above my territory while shouting a warning that in case anyone shields or helps culprit, his entire family and relatives will be slaughtered. However, I am not letting my emotions affect my rational thinking, I can take revenge after patiently finding him, until then, I am must remain calm.” Akashi replied while looking at the other documents to pass some time before the maid comes with what he asked for.

”I-I see...Wait, you can fly?!” Poney exclaimed with a shocked expression.

”Maybe...” Akashi replied without even looking at her.

”...” There was dead silence in the room but Akashi could feel Poney's stare piercing through his body.

”I might take you for a small fly around the forest after this matter is finished” Akashi said and Poney grinned after hearing his words.

”So? Is there anything I can help you with?” She came to him and put her arm around his neck.

'Is that all it took for her to be motivated?' Akashi thought while glancing to the side at Poney's face, giving her a strangle look.