Chapter 156 - #155 Helping with the training (2/2)
”Tatsumi...” Sayo muttered and both her and Ieyasu put their hand on Tatsumi's shoulders.
After a thorough discussion, they decided to work for Night Raid since it seems to be the best course of action if they don't want to break their morals. Working for Akashi also crossed Sayo and Ieyasu's minds but they remembered his words that he has nothing to do with them anymore. They weren't even sure about his morals so they decided to follow Tatsumi who wanted to join group of ȧssassins.
And that's how their tough training started although they also performed odd jobs like cooking. Not like Sayo minded it since she was accustomed to it, however, the same couldn't be said for the boys who constantly complained about it just to be ”threatened” to be ”educated” by Bulat himself. Ever since then, they were happily peeling potatoes every day with a cheerful expression.
---Back to Akashi---
The next morning, he got the report by Seryu saying that Aria's mother was found guilty of many crimes and her whole family did many other things but since none of them were alive, all of that fell on her shoulders. ”Somehow”, this incident and their crimes also got known to the public so, despite her noble status, it was decided that she will go on the guillotine as her sentence.
Seryu also mentioned if Akashi wanted to say some parting words to her, he has time until the evening. The next day, in the morning, would be her last time seeing the sun.
For appearance sake, Akashi went to say his ”parting words” and as he expected, she instantly began begging him on her knees to save her. As far as to go touching him on his private parts but he kept his cool instead of slapping the shit out of her, he apologized to her with a ”sad” expression that he can't do anything before leaving her in the Imperial Police's hands.
'That's one problem less...' Akashi thought with a cold eyes when he arrived back at his mansion. He was currently outside in the garden where he saw a few kids training under Ichika's supervision. All of them were making great progress and most importantly, all of them were hardworking. Seeing that there is no need to disturb them, he just smiled while looking at them before he left to find Kurome.
He found her behind the mansion on the training grounds that were well isolated from the public's eye.
He waited for her to complete her training without interrupting her.
From what he saw, Kurome was already able to shoot small thunderbolts from the tip of her sword, she was also able to coat her blade in the lighting. However, she was still struggling a bit with controlling its power but that wasn't surprising at all, after all, it was a weapon on Teigu's level and she obtained it just a few days ago.
”You are making a good progress” Akashi praised her with a smile when she stopped training on the special dummies crafted from tough Danger Beast's materials.
”Not good enough...” Kurome replied with a slightly sad smile while shaking her head, denying his praise.
”Don't be so hard on yourself...Is this because of your sister?” Akashi asked with a more serious expression.
”...*sigh* She grew strong in the past weeks so quickly. She improved so much despite having that strong weapon that can kill anyone with only one scratch.” Kurome admitted with a frown while looking down at the ground.
'It's not like you are weaker than her...but I guess that's not what bothers her. Still, I must admit that Akame improved a lot ever since she joined Night Raid. Being among the fellow Teigu users has its benefits, it seems.' Akashi thought while looking at Kurome.
”It just shows that both of you are sisters. She didn't stop improving after obtaining a really strong weapon. You on the other hand worked extremely hard even when you had no weapon at all and now that you have a weapon on par with Teigu, you are working twice as much harder. Mastering new Teigu isn't easy feat especially when it involves controlling the combination of 2 nature's elements” Akashi said with a small smile while patting her shoulder.
”I guess you are right.” Kurome smiled back but it was apparent that she was still slightly bothered by it.
”You know what...You need a real opponent, someone to push you forward and past your limits.” Akashi said while drawing his sword with a wide smile across his face.
”A-Akashi Nii-sama?!” Kurome exclaimed with a bit uneasy tone when she noticed him drawing out his sword.
”Look out!” Akashi shouted and slashed down his sword at Kurome's shoulder and she immediately reacted by jumping back away from him.
”Thank you, I truly appreciate that you want to help me with my training!” Kurome said with a happy smile while readying her weapon in both hands.
”Hm? You got it wrong, this is not a practice...” Akashi rested his sword on his shoulder and said.
”No...? ” Kurome muttered while raising her eyebrow in confusion.
”No, this is a real battle and if I will win, there is a need to be punishment. Of course, I won't kill you but it must be something on an equal level. How about the entire afternoon of tickling?” Akashi replied with a wide smile, maybe even slightly sadistic smile.
”?! I-I don't think there is any ne-” Kurome's eyes opened wide in horror and she took a step back while saying with a forced smile and closed eyes but before she could finish...
”Nonsense!” Akashi shouted with a smile and already kicked off the ground, rushing towards Kurome who was forced to get into her defensive position.