Chapter 63 - #62 Recovering (1/2)

While we were resting and cuddling, I saw from the corner of my eye, one owl to land on one of the branches of the tree.

I immediately glared at that owl and its eyes immediately widened in fear.

”Spying on your allies isn't a very nice hobby.” I said aloud and when Taeko heard me, she immediately jumped away like a cat, landing right next to me as if nothing happened at all.


”Yeaah...I wanted to reveal myself immediately, I didn't want to spy on you two or interrupt you.” Chelsea came approached us and said with an awkward expression while scratching back of her head.

”Chelsea...y-you didn't interrupt anything” Taeko said with her stoic face but she still started blushing, most likely imagining what would have happened if Chelsea caught us a few minutes ago.

”Taeko...I-It's alright, you are a woman, after all, you don't need to feel ashamed” Chelsea tried to make her feel better by saying this but I think that she only made the situation worse.

”It's not like that-” Taeko said with a low voice.

”Lollipop girl, are you aware of the situation?” I asked with a serious expression.

”More or less after seeing those kids returning to the inn together with that man but I don't know details. And lollipop girl? I thought I am make-up girl for you...” Chelsea said and then blurted out without even thinking which slightly surprised even her.

”I promoted you. Previously you were just a make-up girl due to your convenient ability, now you have become a lollipop girl because I remember you by your strongest trait. You better cherish it, this also means that I slightly acknowledged you after working with you.” I said with a small smile.

”...Grr, why it can't be for example Red beauty?! But I guess it's slightly better than the make-up girl.” Chelsea glared at me before she gave up and accepted her new nickname.

”You can add ”Red” anywhere you want but be careful about a ”beauty” thing. I will tell you details about what happened a few hours ago later. Anyway, what were you doing while we were busy?” I said with a provoking smile and then asked her when she sat down next to Taeko.

”?!” Chelsea tensed up when she heard my question which slightly surprised me.


'I can't possibly tell him that I wanted to help but failed miserably before even approaching my targets...He would definitely go back to calling me a make-up girl and definitely made fun out of me.' Chelsea thought with wide-open eyes.


”I-I was relaxing in the hot springs, I was quite exhausted you see...hehe” Chelsea said with an awkward expression while scratching her cheek.

Is she embarrassed that she didn't help us or is there something else?

I narrowed my eyes while looking at her.

”Eek-!” Chelsea immediately hid behind Taeko while putting her hands on Taeko's shoulders, making her face me instead.

Whatever, I am pretty sure that it's just something stupid.

I started explaining the situation while I approached Babara and...took off her clothes to check on her wound I caused to protect her heart from the curse.

”...Normally I would use this chance to make fun of you but seeing how your expression is serious, I can't...” Chelsea said and although she didn't make fun of me, she still had to mention how she regrets that she can't.

”Do you think I like what I am doing right now? There isn't any space to act embarrassed or awkward. I would have let Taeko take care of it but I also need to check on the curse if it's not spreading anymore.” I said with a small smile while raising my head from Babara to Chelsea.

”Haven't you said that you already removed the curse from her body?” Chelsea asked with a confused expression.

”I did but how can I be sure that nothing unexpected will happen? I don't know the curse's process so I have to check on her condition at regular intervals.” I explained while using my energy to slightly ease her condition. Although fire doesn't exactly have healing properties, you can still burn your wound to stop the bleeding so I guess it has something to it. I was just trying to ease her suffering a bit and also make sure that nothing harmful is inside her body.


”Anyway, I am done here, can you dress her up?” I said to Chelsea while wiping my hands with the wet cloth.

”What is it? Are you able to take lady's clothes off but unable to put them back?” Chelsea couldn't resist to tease me with an amused smile when she finally saw that Babara's complexion brightened a bit after my treatment.

Lady my ȧss...

”Maybe I you want to try it out yourself?” I said while glaring at her.

”Hehe, it was just a little joke, I am coming~!” Chelsea released a forced laugh and got up from the ground to dress Babara up.

I went back to sit next to Taeko at my previous place.

”...” Taeko didn't say anything but she smiled after seeing our exchange and her smile only widened when I sat down next to her.

”...” The atmosphere turned a bit awkward since Taeko kept glancing at me with a smile and Chelsea who was dressing Babara up kept raising her head, checking at us. She was trying to look discreetly but it was too obvious that she was interested in what has happened between us since we had no time to do anything due to fighting and treating Babara's wounds.

”Well...Girls, I will go back to the town and find some blankets or something we can use to sleep on instead of this hard ground.” I said with a smile.

”Oh?! How considerate of you to think of our beauty sleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep on this hard ground.” Chelsea said with a bright expression before she started rubbing her buŧŧ with a pained expression.

I am thinking about Babara's quick recovery instead of your buŧŧ...

”Wait, it's not safe to return there...” Taeko, however, had a different opinion than Chelsea. She was looking at me with pleading eyes.

”Don't worry, they won't find me in such a big town, not to mention that they have their own worries right now.” I said with a comforting smile while getting up from the ground.

Taeko didn't say anything more but she still grabbed my hand which caused me to look at her with a confused expression.

”Then I will go with you, it will be safer with two of us.” She said and grabbed her sword that was lying next to her.

”No, there can still be danger beasts lurking around here, you have to remain here...Lollipop girl, can you change my appearance?” I reassuringly tightened my grip and then shook off her hand.

”Um...I can't, it doesn't work like that. I can't just change your appearance whenever you want. This Teigu is mainly for me, it's already good that I can prolong your disguise.” Chelsea answered with a difficult expression while glancing at Taeko with curious eyes.

”Well, doesn't matter. I will just sneak into the town without letting anyone see me. Wait here for me.” I said and jumped on the branch of the tree, ready to leave.

”Can you take me a glass of milk while you will be there~?” Chelsea said while waving at me and Taeko was just looking at me with a worried look in her eyes.