Chapter 59 - #58 Taeko VS Cornelia (2/2)

”Cora!!!” We heard a distant voice and when I looked behind us outside of the building, I noticed Akame and her other 2 friends.

”Girls?! ...Looks like you run out of luck, Taeko.” Cornelia looked at her friends running towards them with a pleasantly surprised expression and then turned back at Taeko and said when she saw Taeko looking at her friends with wide-open eyes.

After hearing her words, Taeko turned her head back at Cornelia with her stoic face before a small smirk appeared on her face which slightly surprised Cornelia.

”...You might have friends but I am not entirely alone either.” Taeko replied with a gentle and soft smile that appeared on her face for the first time in her life.


'?! How exactly strong is Katsura?' Cornelia suddenly thought of something she never thought of before.


”CORA!” Ponytail girl sped up and when she was about to enter the building...

”Poney, dodge!!!” She heard Akame's shout behind her and she noticed a small shadow above her so she quickly jumped back to her friends' side.

*BANG!* Debris flew everywhere and dust was everywhere.

”*Cough* *Cough* I should have lightened my fall” I muttered while waving my hand to get rid of dust around me before it finally dispersed, revealing my appearance to the girls.

”Yo~! I am sorry girls but I can't let you pass, my wife still has business with your friend.” I said and raised my hand as greeting with a wide grin, showing off my white teeth while having closed eyes.

”I knew you two are really ȧssassins sent to kill us. I will cut you both into pieces!” She said and her eyes changed to slightly similar eyes that Taeko has during her deadliest stance.

”Assassins?! Not at all!” I exclaimed with a horrified expression with my hands up in a sign of surrender.

”Then why is she trying to kill our friend!!!” A ponytail girl named Poney shouted at me with an angered expression, trying her best not to just rush towards me.

”My wife is pretty jealous and your friend happened to see me nȧkėd in the hot springs, sorry.” I scratched my cheek with my finger while wearing an embarrassed smile before giving them an apologetic smile.

Both girls were dumbfounded by my words while Akame's eyes widened a bit before her eyes became even colder and rushed towards me with her drawn katana.

She quickly appeared in front of me.

”Heeh?” I looked at her unbelievable speed with an amused smile while revealing the sound of being surprised.

”I will cut my enemies without mercy!” She coldly said and slashed with her katana, intending to split me in two by horizontal slash. There were absolutely no emotions in her attack only the cold ruthlessness of her blade and eyes.

*bang* The sound of a gun resounded.

”Whoa, calm down a bit, don't you understand how wives can be jealous?!” I ducked to dodge her slash and then tried to trip her but I suddenly felt something coming at me from my blind spot so instead of tripping her, I kicked her into the stomach while tilting my head to the side to dodge the surprise attack.

I was able to dodge the bullet coming at me and also send Akame flying a few meters away from me but it wasn't the end.

”Huh?” I looked above me just to see Poney performing ax kick so I put both my hands in front of me.

”HA!” She shouted and when her kick connected, the ground under me dangerously shook while my own legs were slightly buried underground.

[-5 Health]

[Health: 745/750]

What a leg power, I guess everything she eats goes into her legs instead of her brėȧsts.

I thought with a wide smile and closed eyes.

”You know, now that I have a closer look at your whole figure, you are quite beautiful despite your flat ċhėst.” I said with an honest expression and a nice friendly smile without any ŀust in my eyes.

”Hah?! DIE!!!” A vein immediately appeared on her forehead and she tried to kick off my head with her other leg but I bowed my head down to dodge her attack.

”Oops, I shouldn't say such things so close to my wife or she will have ”business” even with you” I said while covering my mouth with one hand and using the other hand to take hold of her ankle and then I threw her into one of the walls.

”Gah!” She ġrȯȧnėd a bit but she slowly got up.

”Poney?! Are you alright?!” Both Akame and the other girl came to Poney's side to help her.

I used this chance to take a look at Taeko's side and she was definitely winning, Cornelia was already on the defensive side, trying to delay Taeko for as long as she can. Taeko will still have a problem with killing someone who is fully focused on defense...

”I am alright, he is incredibly strong, he blocked my kick with his bȧrė hands...Tsukushi, Akame, we need to be careful with this guy but we don't have much time!” Poney said while gritting her teeth and glaring at me.

”Tsukushi, you go help Cornelia, I and Poney will keep this guy busy...” Akame said while her eyes were filled with resolve.

”Are you sure about this?” Tsukushi asked with a worried expression, it was visible that she couldn't decide what she wanted to do first.

”Yes! I am not hurt at all and I will be more careful around this guy since he already got me once” Poney said and bumped her fist into her palm with a confident smile.


[+2 SPX to your special class] x5

Special Class: Yato (Lv. 4, +13 Str, +13 Const, +13 Agi, +4 Int) 22/80 SXP


Hmm, I won't be able to stop that girl named Tsukushi from helping Cornelia with her gun. She can freely change the trajectory of her bullets, judging from which angle her bullets flew to me.

”Dear?! Looks like you will have a small annoying company. Her bullets can change trajectory so be careful~!” I shouted with an amused tone and after that, I started to completely ignore Tsukushi's presence.

Taeko should be able to take care of weakened Cornelia and annoying bullets but she will need to be careful.

The girls in front of me were surprised how easily I gave up on keeping Tsukushi here with me.

They looked at each other and nodded.

Tsukushi run towards the building and I didn't bother to even look at her which surprised her but she didn't stop running since she was worried about Cornelia.

”Now that annoying enemy is out of the way...I would like to ask you for a little dance ladies but I am afraid that I would be strangled by my wife later~” I said with a silly smile.

”She won't have a chance to do that since both of you will die here today!” Akame shouted and got ready to attack with Poney in tow.

Looks like I will have a chance to gather a lot of experience for my special class.