Chapter 22 - #22 Strange girl (2/2)

Energy: 655/655


Agility: 24 (37)

Intelligence: 22 (39)

Constitution: 18 (27)

Charisma: 15 (29)

Free Stat points: 24

Classes: Young Noble (Lv. 4; +5 Cha) 12/80 XP, Warrior (Lv. 4, +7 Str, +3 Const) 3/80 XP

Special Classes:


[Absolute Dominance - When facing the formidable foe, show no fear, instead show your arrogance. + 40% to every stat, fire intensity, and explosiveness]


[Child of Fire - Flames love you as its own child. You are protected by the fire itself, whenever someone uses long-ranged attacks, flames will protect your body from projectiles even without your consciousness but you can still stop them if you want. This isn't ultimate defense!]

GOLD: 2315



I didn't make much much progress in making money because I was mostly burning down my enemy so I didn't get any loot to sell but at least I was able to level up my Special Class.


Anyway, today is finally the day I am going out to participate in ”exam”

No matter how many times I tell myself that it's the exam, it feels incredibly funny. More or less it's just bringing up numerous children together and weeding out weak to quickly discover talents without spending too much money.

”Sweetie, be careful outside, please” My mother said with a pleading voice while she was adjusting my black uniform together with a red tie.

”Yes, I will keep my eyes open all the time, plus I also have a bodyguard with me.” I said with a helpless smile facing my mother's worried face.

”*Be careful, there are many strong people and there is also a Teigu wielder where you are going. He can also manipulate his body in unimaginable ways like using his hair as needles and many other things.*” My father informed me and I nodded with a serious expression.

Against someone like that would be better to use my flames instead of close-quarters combat. But he still has a Teigu...he will be annoying opponent if he will decide to pick up a fight with me.

”I am going, everyone, goodbye.” I said and waved at everyone who was standing near the gate to our residence. Almost everyone who were working in our mansion came to say goodbye and wish me luck.


...Finally out of.

I thought and put my left hand into my pocket and my right hand on the hilt of my Phoenix sword. It wasn't about me being on guard...Sword's position was simply good and resting my hand on the hilt which was in perfect height was comfortable.

As I was walking towards the exit gate out of the Capital, I noticed some strange girl with long blue hair and blue eyes walking from the direction of the gate, her skin was snow white which means that she came from the north. She was definitely older than me and she was wearing some strange clothes on her, she looked like she just came from some kind of tribe instead of a normal village.

However, that wasn't the reason why she caught my attention...I simply feel that she is quite strong.


'Hm? Why is that guy looking at me? Is he trying to pick a fight? ...Actually, now that I look more closely at him, he doesn't look like a spoiled noble brat, he is definitely strong! It's really rare to meet someone with a noble vibe who is also strong. But his eyes are kinda strange...why vertical pupils? Plus that bored look in his eyes...' The girl noticed Akashi's stare so she returned the stare but neither of them broke the eye contact.


As we walked past by each other, our eye contact was finally broken and I simply continued forward without looking behind, at least, that's what I wanted to do...

”Wait!” I heard a feminine voice behind me.

”Yes?” I said disinterestedly and turned sideways with my bored look in my eyes. Ichika also stopped and waited right next to me while quietly observing the girl.

”What's your name? Are you from the Capital?” She asked me 2 questions that slightly surprised me since I thought that she would bitch about me looking at her or something like that.

”Akashi, and Yes” I said waiting a few more seconds after that if she wanted anything else.

”...” Maybe is waiting for me to ask about her name...I don't want to make it even more awkward than it already is...

”And you are?” I asked with a weird expression.

”Esdeath! I can feel that you are strong, let's have a spar one day!” She extended her arm towards me and formed a fist with an excited smile.

Heh, what a maniac...

I thought but couldn't help but form the same smile as she had on her face. To think she would be able to smell out my strength and even challenge me right after that...

”Oho, be prepared for a loss, little girl” I said with a smirk and bumped my fist into hers.

”Hah?! It's clear as day that I am older than you!” She immediately exploded after hearing my comment.

”Maybe but your response still shows that you are a little girl. Being angry about a few words regarding your age from someone younger instead of being angry at the fact that I told you that you will lose...incredible. anyway, I must go, for now, you are quite interesting so see you later!” I said with a teasing smile and turned back to the front to continue my way out of the city.

”...See you later, don't you dare run away!” She shouted at me before turning around, continuing in her own way.

Heh, strange girl.

I thought while glancing at her back from the corner of my eye with a small smile.