Chapter 7 - The Fall (2/2)
The ground rose up to meet my face. Quickly, I focused my will through the ring and an invisible hand grabbed and began pulling up to further slow myself. Sadly, it wasn't enough to stop me completely and I ate some lovely gravel. I got up, my face dripping blood from numerous scratches, and tried to help break the fall of others. It was pointless, Xavier used the horseman to break his fall. He rose up unsteadily, but the other horseman didn't. However, Solskin landed of the ground with large thump. He cried out in pain and lay there still. Serves him right for not trying to slow down.
Persephone glanced at us from the front of the caravan, not caught in the effects of the spell. Taking advantage of her distraction, the great big man leapt up and swung his greataxe straight into her arm. Her pocket watch hanging from her side began to glow. The light expanded, knocking away the man, leaving Persephone safe from further harm. Persephone cried out in pain, falling to the ground as blood poured out of the wound like a fine crimson wine. The man got up and regained his balance, readying another strike. I narrowed my eyes, too far to directly help her.
Twisting my ring and chanting once more, I thrust my hand out to the man with the axe as he brought his axe down with a yell. Persephone was looking at me, silently pleading. Then, I smiled grimly. The man was frozen still.
Keeping my hand outstretched and pointed at the man held with invisible force, I started approaching Persephone. My vision blurred, sustaining a spell for a long time was draining. I pushed on, despite the growing migraine. My hand shook and I looked at Persephone and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before falling to my knees, exhausted.
The man continued his previous attack as if he had just been paused, his axe cutting deep into Persephone's arm. My stomach twisted with disgust at my cowardice. All I could do was kneel on the ground.
”Hold on!” Xavier cried from behind. He had just stabbed the last horsemen through the ċhėst. Blood rushed down his left arm and there was a large gash across his ċhėst. He sprinted toward us, his sword leaving a trail of blood. The flat end of the axe crashed into the back of my head as I was distracted. I locked eyes with our last hope, Xavier, as I fell to the ground unconscious. His calm demeanor was shattered. Fear and sadness plagued his scarred face, but something was wrong. His eyes were yellow. The sensation from ten years ago was back. It washed over me like waves in an ocean. But this time, I could feel the sheer magical force behind it, flooding me with an unnatural sense of fear.
Mordred fell to the ground. I saw fear in his eyes. I ran harder, but all I could do was watch. Not again! I cried out in pain. My first companions in 10 years were dead. I lost it. Cold shivers ran down my spine. A dark fog blasted out from me. I looked at the last enemy standing. Hatred boiled through my veins. An unnatural cold settled in my arm and it grew. The cold spread up my arm and into my neck. The only thought in my head was death. My vision turned dark as I saw shadowy hands erupt from the ground, stopping the blade. He was slowly and brutally torn apart. There was a sickening crack as the bandit was pulled apart, his limbs buckling and flesh tearing. He screamed in pure agony as the pulling slowed down, lengthening his torturous demise. His body broke apart, the shadowy hands throwing bits everywhere, scattering him across the surrounding area. His remains dangled off trees, leaving a bloody mess. I fell to the ground.
The coldness wracked my entire body. Something had come back into my mind. It said one word:
Soon. I pushed back with all my willpower and the coldness dissipated. I stood back up and sat where I originally was, not caring about my wounds. My eyes were sunken and my heart heavy. We won the battle, but I felt dread coursing through my veins. The merchants helped Solskin, Mordred, and a bloody Persephone back into the cart. We continued and didn't face any trouble.
Unbeknownst to us, a shadowy figure watched the fight from a distance.
”He is here. Master will be pleased.” The figure conjured a phantom steed from the ground and rode away, toward the Capital. There was an intricate black crown tattooed on the side of his cheek.