Chapter 29 - Aven--- Devils ?ssemble (1/2)
I took the scope and placed the onto the top hole of the rifle, after I did that I looked towards Long tian and saw that he had placed bottles a mile away. However, my voice could not reach him, this was about to be a problem until Lou Gao came over and gave me a small device. He then told me to speak into it and I could get Long tian to hear what I wanted to say.
Oscar: Hey tian'er can you hear me
Long tian: Loud and clear big bro
I was amazed at what this Old man could build with his knowledge, I then prepared myself to getting ready to shoot. I then told Long tian through the walkie-talkie device and the only three places and ranges that I wanted him to place the bottles in.
Oscar: Alright that's good enough
Lou Gao: Here
I looked towards the old man and saw a case of designed bullets he had made for me, I took one and put it into the action. I then looked through the scope and saw that there was a line bottles placed over the 2-mile range, I slowly took my time and prepared myself to shoot. So, I held the stock close to my ċhėst, looked through the scope and placed my right index finger close to the trigger. After confirming the shot and target, I pressed the trigger and felt the recoil hitting my ċhėst. This actually felt more like the punch of a spirit elder because I almost literally flew back from it. I then got up and saw that the bullet did not just land on the target, but it actually created a god-damn hole on where it landed.
Oscar: What kind of bullets are these old man
Lou Gao: Hahaha, those are trinitrotoluene bullets which I had made just this morning
Lou Gao: Amazing right
I looked at the destruction and saw long tian and long Yun waving at us and then speaking through the walkie-talkie.
Long tian: Big bro, what the hell man
Oscar: Sorry about that
Oscar: Hey old man what do you calculate that damage could do
Lou Gao: By my calculations that explosion itself could probably fatally injure a spirit king
Oscar: Holy shit
Lou Gao: Test the bullet out on something else
He then pointed at the metal post which we brought and told me that it's defence was strong as well, and so I aimed and fired at it with the TNT bullet. There I saw the dent on the metal post through the scope which was very large but did not make it bend over or break at all. We, then kept on testing the other bullets, which hurt like hell from the ricochet, and we also managed to reach the 4-mile range which actually surprised me as the bullet kept on going. However, after testing out one other bullet the Old man made at that point we just left it at that and packed everything.
As we got home we all had a serious expression on our faces, as little over 20 minutes before we left the old man gave me one bullet in which I thought looked kind of strange. Since it had a bluish colour around it, I then took the bullet and inserted it into the action and fired unconsciously. What happened was me breaking both my shoulder and… the sound barrier, and now there was an even bigger hole than before.
I mean this was not like a hole at all, in fact it looked more like a crater instead with a 100-meter radius. I then told Lou Gao and the long brothers to pack everything because we needed to leave now, they nodded their heads and we left as fast as we could.
Oscar: Old man what did you make that last bullet out of
Lou Gao: I made it out of a metal which was sold to me by a friend, but it seems that it was not so normal after all huh
Lou Gao: The thing is I did, but
Oscar: But what
Lou Gao: All that came up was nothing, as it did not give any reaction to whatever I did to it in order to examine it
Oscar: Well whatever it was, it gave the bullet I shot a powerful boost that could…