Chapter 13 - The End of the competition (1/2)
To the crowd it looked like Oscar was performing some hand technique in fact to some of the people in the crowd it seemed to look like pill technique. This is one of Oscar's personal techniques that he also created alongside the hammer technique for the last 5 months. Now at this moment he was going to reveal it's might as he cooked the ingredients that laid before him. The purpose of this technique is to draw in spirit essence from the surrounding and gathering it into his hands and then into the ingredients.
(A.N: This technique is almost like the one Bu Fang from Gourmet of another world)
This way not only would the meal become more delicious, but it would full of spirit essence that can be compared to certain expensive pills. Imagine the combination of the cooking skills of shokugeki no soma and the cooking technique of Bu fang any meal that is made from this would rock the culinary world in any universe.
Audience POV…
Anyways back to Oscar, as he closes the lid of his pot he then preforms the technique yet again and again until finally his hands started producing a glowing ball. He then starts spiralling that small ball and then finally puts it in the pot and closes it, he then leaves it and acts like it almost had no purpose. However, inside the pot the broth was being cooked at a faster rate than it was before, while outside the pot Oscar was cutting the pork into small and round pieces.
He then added spice onto the pork and some sauce, and then took out a wok below the table he was using onto the nearby stove. As he was cooking the pork he realized that he had about 2 hours left, so he started to perform that cooking technique once more except this time it was the wok that was glowing. Also, if you were to look closer at it you would see that the air around the wok was slowly producing suction into it, then Oscar put the lid onto the wok and lowered the heat at which he was cooking it. This simple technique cooked the pork without letting it become over cooked at the same time because of the spirit essence inside it.
After preparing the broth and pork, Oscar then boiled his eggs for about 5 minutes and started cutting his green onions. When he was done cutting them he then proceeded to fill a bowl full of water and waited for his eggs to be done. After 5 minutes he scooped up his eggs and put them into the bowl full of water he just filled and quickly took off all the shells. He then put the eggs on the side for the moment and began to make his noodle using the flour he had, while adding water and some Chinese baking powder that the opposing team provided.
Oscar then mix them into the bowl full of flour and began churning it, then after 4 minutes in he started mending the dough in front of him. He then took the dough onto a separate table that he had just poured flour onto, and after that he started pounding the dough into a thick straight noodle belt. After he was done he started making the noodles by hand instead of using the noodle making machine near them. He then twisted the flour again and again while pounding it onto the table, while he was doing this the dough started to turn golden yellow.
Chu Dongs POV…
As Chu Dong was taking her dough to process it into making noodles, she notices that Oscar was instead making the noodle by hand. At first, she was going to laugh at him for doing that but suddenly she saw the noodles started turning golden. She was shocked and wanted to know how he was doing it, but then she remembered her noodle that had yet to be made. So, she could only push down her curiosity as she remembered this was a competition not a show and tell.
Meanwhile on the judge's stage…
Chief Yin was currently shocked at what Oscar was doing as he himself is a rank 34 spirit elder and was almost bȧrėly able to see that the surrounding spirit essence was slowly gathering around the dough Oscar was pounding. He was shocked at first but then he became greedy at the thought of obtaining his technique for himself. If he could get it, then he can open his own restaurant and destroy the Golden metal restaurant with the members that turned to his side. However, his greed will be the death of him as Oscar is someone that hates to be looked down on and used. However, the other two judges did not see this development as they were focusing on Chu Dong instead.
Oscars POV…
Well I guess I should start separating the dough, hmm it looks good might as well make it thinner this way it could go down easier. This noodle will be my master piece, since it will be the combination of the Ichiraku ramen from Naruto, Bu fangs cooking technique, and the skills from shokugeki no soma. I just know that something will happen if I make it, but who cares anyways since the noodle is finished I should start putting them all together.
1 hour and 50 minutes have gone by and there was only 10 minutes left before the competition was concluded. Chu Dong had almost finished making her chicken broth and was still waiting on it, while Oscar was waiting for his broth to be finished as well as the pork inside of the wok which was almost done. He was doing this while holding the eggs that he had boiled and sitting on the stool next to the stove. 5 minutes have gone by and Chu dongs broth was finally done, she then strained it and then mixed it with her noodles. After she had mixed her broth and noodle, she then added her chicken meat, her eggs and some green onions.
With only 2 minutes left Chu Dong had finished making her Chicken noodle soup which is one of the restaurant's special into 3 separate bowls. However, when she turned to look at Oscar she was shocked to see him holding onto the eggs that he had boiled and was still sitting down. She then thought that Oscar had given up and this was his way of showing that he could not go on, she then shouted at him for competing and then giving up.
Chu Dong: So, I guess you are giving up huh
Chu Dong: Hey say something
”Dong”,” Dong”, ”Dong”
Chef Yin: Only 1-minute left and the competitors will present their dish
Suddenly Oscar got up and went to prepare 4 bowls to put his dish into, he then brought his wok and pot onto the table where his bowls were. He then quick poured the broth into bowls that had the noodles in them while trying to compress the escaping aroma by putting lids on them. Turning to the wok he quickly but skilfully cut the pork that he took out from it, after cutting it he placed three pieces into each bowl by opening the lid up for a moment.
However, that single moment was all it took for a trace of the aroma to escape into the air, and when it did suddenly there was a golden mist that carried a heavenly smell. At first the people near Oscar were surprised at seeing this, but once they smelled it suddenly they felt pŀėȧsurė and hunger from it. Especially for Chu Dong who was the closest to the smell itself, when she sniffed that golden mist her legs started to wobble and felt weak. She could bȧrėly stand up after smelling it, then it hit the judges who were next to Chef Yin. These people were also affected by it that they seemed to be in an imaginary land of their own, except for Chef Yin.
After smelling that golden mist, all he wanted to do was force this kid to tell him how he was able to make such a thing. However, he contained his urges as he was in a public place with many watching but after getting the kid to be alone he would torture him into telling him. After he has gotten what he wants he would kill him and get rid of any evidence tying him to his disappearance. Anyways as the aroma continued to travel it started to dissipate, but not before causing a commotion in the crowd.