Chapter 17 - You are a quick learner (1/2)

”We are sorry.” Noe Kyung-Hee's mother bows to her stiffly. ”We don't think that we can help you.”

”I know that you hate me. You have your reasons.” Ahn Hana sighs. It's awkward. She has seen this couple protesting against her in front of the law firm. ”However, are you okay if the real killer of your daughter is freely living his life?”

”But...” She hesitates a bit. She looks sideways at her husband who doesn't look like he will cooperate. ”Everyone thinks that Baek Han Sol is the killer.”

”He isn't,” Ahn Hana tells her confidently. ”Baek Han Sol doesn't even know your daughter.”

”How are you sure?” Noe Kyung-Hee's father questions her with rage in his voice. ”You are the type of lawyer who will do anything for money.”

Ahn Hana reveals them the picture of their daughter's body. They look horrified to see it again after so many years. Bad memories resurface in their minds.

”As you said, there is strong evidence that Baek Han Sol is the killer. If he is, I will lose. If he is not and I lose because you are not helping me, your daughter's killer is free on the streets of this city. Do you think that she was randomly chosen? No. Your daughter was special to him. Very special. Are you sure that a chaebol heir would look at your daughter this way?”

The mother falls on her knees and sobs. The father scowls at her and screams, ”If you come back here, I will kill you.”

They go back inside the house and slam the door close. She looks at the sky and sighs. Her reputation doesn't come handy at times like this.


The twins put the vibrator pėnɨs ring on him. ”You put it on like this.”

”Really.” Do Sejin likes these girls. They are wonderful. He picks up the nɨppŀė clamper. He clamps each of their brėȧsts with the nɨppŀė clamper. ”Then, does it go like this?”

The twins sigh together. ”You are a quick learner.”

He pushes them on the bed. They widen their legs for him. Do Sejin enters one of them while the other plays with herself with the vibrator. The vibrations give him an entirely different sensation. The twin's buŧŧon is brushed each time he shoves himself inside her. The girl writhes underneath him. But, he feels like he is only feeling half of the pŀėȧsurė that he feels when he is with Ahn Hana.

Do Sejin thinks about how Ahn Hana would look at him when he does this to her. He wants to try this on her as soon as possible. He wonders what kind of noises she will make. It makes him hot when he guesses Ahn Hana's reactions.

Suddenly, the twin grabs his waist to stop him. ”It's her turn now.”

Do Sejin doesn't care. Both of them look and feel the same to him. It would have been better if there were two Ahn Hana in the world like this. It would have been better if there were more than two. He wants to have a personal harem of all the women who looked like Ahn Hana.

Reality is harsh. He can't pay for plastic surgeries of so many women. Even if he had that much money, he doubted that all the women with her face could move or make sounds like her. Then, there is only one Ahn Hana in this world. Perhaps, that's why she is special.

The twin moves over. The second twin arches her hip toward him, waiting. He shuts his eyes close. eyes. He thinks of the lawyer and slams into her.

His imagination is broken when he suddenly feels a sharp pain. The first twin has clamped his nɨppŀės. She experiments with the pressure. ”Do Sejin, does it feel good?”

”Yes.” He moves against the second twin's hip. The first twin kisses him while playing with his nɨppŀės with the clamper. He closes his eyes again and imagines that both of them are Ahn Hana.