Chapter 69 - Update (1/1)

Novel is not dropped. I am still writing the chapters.

Currently I have around 2.5k words ready which is around 2 chapters. However, I don't want to publish until I have completed the Ark the way I like it. I already have an idea how to finish it and what will be happening. Now I just need to put that into words(easier said than done, though).

Also, I am have a bit of a dilemma here, whether to save Sirius Black or not. He should be dying in around 2 or 3 months and MC should be capable of saving him. I personally always wanted to save the guy. He had a shitty life, let's be honest. But now, I am so morally tired due to studies, writing and overall negativity, that I kinda stopped caring about him. So, please comment down below wether I should do something about Sirius or not or if you don't care.

As for when the chapters are coming, I honestly can't say. Despite the carantine, I as an IT student, mostly have everything as projects, which you do at home anyway, so I felt zero difference between before and now(except for toilet paper :| Are they eating it? Stores are fuċkɨnġ empty! ). So, as soon as I am done I am posting chaps out. Also, because this will be a finale of the Arc and return to HP universe, you may expect a lot of chapters(Not 10... probably). Something around 5 or so.


P.S. stores have no wheat flour... just when I started learning making homemade pasta... ;(

P.P.S. Did you know that there is a discord server, where you can pester me and force me to work faster? No? Well, jump right in.

P.P.P.S. I wasn't kidding about asking for more, by the way. Once I actually made a double chapter because the guy(or was it a gal? ) there asked for more quite often. Plus there you can tell me your cool idea about progression and next possible story twist.