Chapter 57 - Level 27 [p11]. Mask of Terror (2/2)
Despite all that, these wizards were weathered hunters who fought many dangerous monsters across the world. One of them shouted:
”Who are you and why are you barging into the ...”
But wizard didn't finish his question, because the ȧssailant marched straight towards them, ignoring all their questions.
Soon a myriad of spells was cast and blinding radiance filled the room, but soon paleness overcame faces of the wizards in the room. Spells coming at the stranger were akin to a punch from a kid. They didn't even faze him. The only reaction they got from the man in the mask, was him brushing imaginary dust from clothes.
”Continue! Don't stop. Coordinate the attacks!”
Then, ignoring all the charms hitting him, he slowly raised his hand up in the air and made a grasping motion and pulling his hand back.
All the wands left the hands of their masters only to appear hovering around the stranger. Soon, he reached both of his hands to grasp a wand. With a wand in each hand, he made the most theatrical move imaginable, quickly spreading his hands apart akin to kapellmeister, cutting the air.
And yet, the effect of the move was tremendous with all the wizards flying back as if hit by a train, only to hit the walls and ceilings. Looking at the force of the push, at the very least they should have lost consciousness.
Hearing the clamor happening on the underground floor, more wizards came running, only to see a strange person exiting from the port-destination room, with a wand in each hand. Quick-witted half of the newcomers instantly understood what happened and took out their wands to attack the stranger, but...
He waved the wands once, and all of them repeated the fate of the previous group of wizards. Like a terminator, he continued his march through the building's floors, unstoppable.
Of course, not all wizards can be so easily defeated, but the strongest wizards in Athens were currently on the meeting concerning the attack on Patras by the unknown magical creature in the form of the eagle. Moreover, due to such exposure of magical danger to muggles, the best wizards of Greece had to travel to Patras to mitigate the situation and help with obliviating of population. After all charming, the whole city is no small accomplishment. And obviously, one of the greatest wizards in Greece and current leader of the ”Κυνηγοί για τέρατ” couldn't have missed such an occasion. Plus as the leader of Monster Hunters, he was called to help with identifying the monster and creating some countermeasures to fight that creature.
Unfortunately, upon arriving in Patras, the strongest wizards of the country learned something completely incomprehensible. Somebody robbed the magical community of this city clean and this made the whole case much more complicated. Because not only did they have to deal with muggles in the city, but also with wizards who lost everything valuable they owned and demanded compensation from the Ministry. However, this was only the beginning of the bad news.
A few hours later, when the leader of the hunters' guild was informed of the situation in the capital, he nearly puked blood from anger and anguish.
The current Minister of Magic in Greece was surprised seeing his old friend all flushed, bȧrėly standing and clutching at his heart. What can excite this calm hunter to this level?
”What happened, old friend? What got you so fired up?”
”There was an attack on our guild's HQ!”
”What!? Which group dares to attack the capital of Greece?!”
Then a person who initially informed his guild leader about the attack gave a detail that astounded everyone around.
”It's not a group. It's a single man...”