Chapter 55 - Announcement (1/1)
Made a bonus chap to congratulate everyone and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Already sent the chap to editor and in case editor will be unable to edit it today, I will upload unedited version later today(in 7-8 hours). Anyway, once more congrats with Christmas. Come to discord and give your ideas and opinions or just for a chat. Link in the previous chap comments.
Also got a review and it was an honest review, so no problems there. But there was one point I have to clarify for all readers. The person said this :
”... This isn't a Harry Potter fanfic because it definitely wasn't written by a fan. Just a guy who wants Potter fandom when really it's to push his ideas of 'order' and multiverses which he himself said he'd written about years ago... when I saw that I realized this isn't the novel I was looking for.”
I didn't do it for Potter fandom. And yes I am not a fan and I don't like Potterian and overall the Universe, because this Universe has no rules whatsoever, and gives zero explanation to anything. It's clearly visible from the fact that majority of people still think that Harry didn't die because he had all three artifacts of death or whatnot.
This however doesn't mean that Universe or books are shit, it just means that I don't really like this type of read. Either don't explain a thing like it was done in works of Rick Riordan(not even gods know how the heck mist works... srsly...? ;) ) or go for in-depth explanation like in Patrick Rothfuss's works(although even he is confusing sometimes, but hey... a lot of things in terms of magic were explained very well... for me at least :D ). But as I said, that's just my preference.
This novel was made for contest and the contest was about Harry Potter fanfic, so the fact that I am writing in this Universe is due to a collection of circumstances)))
Of course, some people will be unconvinced and ask why I started specifically in this contest if I wasn't a fan ahahaha, but who cares?