Chapter 50 - Level 27 [p6]. Hunters are out (2/2)

”Trust me... you will hesitate... erasing somebody's very being from the Creation... is heavy. There is no Undeath, eternal darkness, rebirth or Yellow river. This will be his end. The absolute end. Moreover, the consequences of erasing somebody from Creation are heavy enough for the Order to ban this activity.”

”You want to erase him? But I thought...”

”You thought I want to just pierce his heart and stop life processes in his body? No! I will erase him and the curse he carries. Otherwise, why would I carry this tool with me?”

Then he moved his hand and shadows covered his whole arm, before receding and leaving a scythe, similar to the one you would imagine in hands of the Grim Reaper.

”Thanatos's Reaper? How did you get it?”

”Does it matter? Point is that I was preparing for erasing Athena from existence for more than 3 thousand years. I am not letting her escape my reach this time.”

Markus stared for a long time at Dark in silence.

”I understand.”

”You do? Then let's go. Now that blockade is up, we have eternity to kill Athena. She won't be able to escape. Not with her current resources at least.”


[Diagnostic is complete. Save function was blocked.]

'Oh... what? By ”Save function” do you mean I can't save my progress anymore?'

[No. You can save progress, but you can't load to it anymore.]

'Huh?! Was it the Order's doing?'


'Anything else?'


'Okay. And Athena is not online I ȧssume?'



The world is getting more and more complicated. I think it would be safe to ȧssume that the Order did something to block my ability to load into the past. I thought Athena said that they won't do anything unless I continue my rash actions.

Also this whole thing about the System and Athena. Why was I given it? Why did nobody tell me the rules of how to use it? Plus if the Order already fixed the issue, why it still hunts for me?

I have a really shitty premonition and currently, my mentality is very unstable after continuous apparitions. I need some sleep. I looked around and tried to find a location where I can safely sleep. That's when I noticed some empty hollowed space in the tree nearby. It wasn't big, but it can be used as a nest for some small bird family.

”Well, that can be a good idea.”

Shadows under me engulfed me...


”So what's the plan?”

”Plan? Barge in. Paralyze all living beings in the house and find the progeny.”


Dark was moving quite fast and when he reached the door, he made a strange sign with his hands.

{ Wind element - Standing accent - Area Sigil }

Then he touched the door of the house and some kind of energy overcome the house and all of its inhabitants.

Then he opened the door to enter.

Markus followed close by. There he saw people sitting around the fireplace. Frozen in time.

Dark lowered his torso to look into the eyes of the frozen people. Even though his eyes were covered by the cloth, this didn't hamper his ability to gaze into souls. After looking into each of their eyes.

”Neither of them is a progeny. They are all part of the plotline of this world. Markus scan the house for any other living beings.”


Markus rolled up his left sleeve, under which incredibly complicated technical device was hidden. The device wasn't small and looked as if it covered more than just one hand. But it was hard to say how much exactly it covered, because it was hidden by clothes. He put the thumb of his right hand into the location that looked like a fingerprint scanner.


Some robotic and genderless voice answered him in response to his command:

”Fingerprint recognized. Voice recognized. DNA scan in process. Accepted. Greetings Markus.”

As soon as the machine was fully activated, blue light started shinning all over Markus's body from under his clothes.

”Suit, start life signature scan.”


A few seconds later, Markus had a full overview of any living creature 200 meters around him.

”Nobody except for them here.”

”He escaped? Did he know we are coming or was it just a lucky coincidence? Well, doesn't matter, I will know everything soon enough.”

Then Dark took off the cloth that covered his eyes, but his eyes were still closed.

Although Markus knew what's coming next, he only frowned while exiting the house and quietly murmured:

”Nothing can be hidden from the god's eyes...”

Then Dark opened his eyes and the world was submerged in darkness.