Chapter 47 - Level 26[p2]. Some slaughter here, some killing there (2/2)
*Place unknown - Time unknown - POV unknown*
There was a squad of people resting outside of the massive castle made of metal and stone. Commander of that squad was a middle-aged human male, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and loose pants. His armor lying neatly near his tent, close to his sword and staff.
Features of his face were giving a vibe of a strict and a military type of person, especially because he just shaved his beard and hair.
He was standing there, enjoying the warm weather and light wind ċȧrėssing his face.
”Commander Markus!”
The man slowly opened his eyes and looked towards a person that just arrived via teleportation.
”Ah, rookie. Nice seeing you here. Something happened?”
”Well, you see I was looking through the sector ȧssigned to us, and apparently there was a ”Big Change” in the main Universe timeline.”
Markus wasn't surprised. Just another task for him.
”Okay. How big is the change and what is the Universe?”
”Um. I sent the change to the Inspectors just a minute ago and the Universe is the Potteriana.”
*Sigh*Markus sighed.
”I am still confused, why such a big Universe is called with the name of such a small character, but whatever,” after that Markus looked at his squad and continued, ”If Inspectors didn't send a reply, why are you here?”
”Well, sir, I noticed something peculiar.”
Markus looked at him once more and judged it to be something important, based on the look, the rookie was giving him.
”You see, I think there was a big mistake with somebody accidentally dying. You know we are constant clients of the ”Trucks of Destiny” company and they delivered a soul, but I see no connection to any hero or villain deed we had scheduled in that world.”
”Trucks...? What?”
””Trucks of Destiny”! It's a famous company. Their competitors, ”Bus for a hero” or ”Gutters” are nothing compared to them. Especially their advertisements and the PR campaign. Don't you remember that ad, with the driver Alpha? And their drivers are all mysteries, because...”
Markus decided to stop useless rambling and interrupted him:
”Rookie! Back to topic!”
”Oh, yes! So, I researched that Universe and surprisingly found out that there was a mistake, and Fixers accidentally sent them an extra file. And a person was moved to that Universe.”
The rookie was a little bit surprised by the calm reaction of the Captain.
”Um... shouldn't we report it?”
”We should and now you are tasked to do this. As for the mistake, don't get surprised. Mistakes like this happen. However, most of the time, people are happy with their new situation. They get gifts, skills, abilities or some systems. But on the grand scale, it's rare for them to escape their Multiverse or Universe. They are stranded there, so nothing to worry about.”
”Oh okay.”
”Just report his name and whatever the thing he got.”
As Markus was saying this he was going towards his tent to have a little nap.
”He got the system, called Skills...”
Markus started yawning and mostly ignored whatever rookie was saying at this moment, but then rookie finished.
”... Overlord”
Markus got a scare of his life, and yawn went the wrong way, so he started violently coughing. With a rasping voice he asked:
”Which system you said?”
”Skills Overlord!”
”How many days is he leaving with this system already?” - Markus hurriedly asked
”Should be maxed at 2 to 3 weeks. Check this person thoroughly and inform me. We need to get him and his corpse, while we can. We can't let anyone get this system.”
The rookie was looking at his nervous and mumbling captain in fascination. It was the first time, he saw his captain so spooked.
”Um... sir...”
”What? No way... Did he survive for a month? This system has literally no help for survival. Plus due to its save system, people tend to become extremely reckless and change timelines. Moreover, it gives out suicidal quest with no help to speak of. And that I am only scratching the surface here. Hosts don't live over a few weeks. If this man survived for a month...”
”Um... Three years, sir.”
”...?” Markus stared blankly, before recollecting his thoughts, ”Connect with HQ... We need some Dovahkin or True God level of help here...”
”But why sir? What should I tell HQ?”
”Tell them, that Athena's progeny lives.”
[System sneezes...?]
『 Alchemy 38 ➔ 39 | Sneak 27 ➔ 28 』
『 Speech 36 | Studying 46 ➔ 47 』
『 Wand Making 32 | Herbology 38 ➔ 39 』
『 Magic Channeling 61 | Magic Chanting 40 ➔ 42 』
『 Magic Gesturing 40 ➔ 42 | Magic Theory 58 』
『 Astronomy 35 | Riding Expertise 18 ➔ 20 』
『 Crafting 31 ➔ 32 | Playing Games 15 』
『 Enchanting 38 ➔ 40 | Cooking 25 ➔ 26 』
『 Training 25 ➔ 26 | Physical Activities 18 』
『 Programming 25 | Dancing 0 』
『 Legilimency 26 ➔ 29 | Occlumency 32 ➔ 34 』
『 ❃Drawing 10 』