Chapter 44 - Just chitchat and mostly ranting) (1/1)

Guys I got another follower, so at least somebody noticed.

Now to the reason I am even talking. I got 2 reviews recently. In last 4 weeks, I got less than 5 reviews I think. And the last one just says ”Thanks for this: ” and gives me one star... Like What THE FUCK? I mean at least give reasons for giving such ratings....

Also for support on *******, is something I was thinking a long time about. I have work that takes a lot of time and I have free time on weekends. However, I spend a lot of time per chapter, so it means at least 6 hours is out of my day, if I am writing a chapter.

Becoming a *******, entering discord, active commenting is a representation of that support. Guys, 4K people are in collections(have a book in reading list), yet every chap has so little comments. I like to think that I am not an emotional person, but that's one of those lies humans tend to tell themselves. When I see no support, my motivation to continue story slowly dies.

I want to write a story, that will come alive in the process of me making it. I want later to have that as one of those things I wrote. This story never meant to be a long one. So max 100 chapters, and I never thought over what's gonna be in the end, or what next chapter brings. I have a ton of ideas and even more drafts of how story will look like, but to me story is a living organism. I ask myself, what is realistic to happen next? Not logical, but realistic. Humans are not exactly logical creatures)))

Sometimes, MC makes mistakes and that's part of my plan and sometimes not. I make mistakes, have fun reading your comments and having arguments over ideas.

But community is slowly dying and I see no active support. There are few of those who are with me since the very beginning and I appreciate them and their ”Thank you” under every chapter, but where are everyone else? There are ~4k people, yet comments under chapter are less than 40? 1% of 4000 is 40...

And I know that now I am ranting, but I can't help it. You don't want support with money. I am okay with it. I started this funfic knowing that I will probably get nothing other than my own story out of it. But support is not only money, please remember that. Your comments, corrections and just rant on different topics helps.

Maybe I don't always reply, but I always read! (Authors have a special section where they see comments on their work)

Anyway, I am out for now. As long as there is at least one reader I will continue this story and won't drop. Because, I started the story, so I will be responsible for finishing it. No questions here. However, don't think you don't affect quality and direction of the story.

Have a nice weekend and I am out)) Peace!